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Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday...and that blasted report is done! ...and it's still raining<g>! ...and it's a day off! ...and it's Monday! Truly. I'm not sure what to make of all that, but I'm going to try to use the day to recuperate from the mental stress of the homework and the physical stress of being sick. If I do more than just read a book I'll consider it a great day... Yesterday we did manage to kick back around our place much of the day. Shelley headed out for some shopping, but even she only did half of her normal run; talking on the phone seemed like a better and more relaxing idea. Brad played games and it seems his cold is much better; all that's left is a cough. ...and Daniel gamed and played air-soft with a buddy. ...and me? I slept in for the first time in weeks it seems. ...but then I was tired all day <g>. Oh, and our connectivity problems on the voice side of things (for the family and friends who read here) is cleared up now. The problem was on the SBC side of the demarc; the tech was able to clear the 'going to ground' noise by swinging our service to the other pair. ...and the weather shots on the blog? Well, we awoke to rain, but things cleared around noon or so. ...but the weather reports kept talking about all of this heavy weather coming in! We didn't see any and didn't see any and then things finally started clouding up. ...and the lightning and thunder came with the clouds. So Brad and I grabbed our cameras and walked down to the corner to watch things gather and roll on by. Things were real peaceful for a while, but then the wind picked up and some really serious looking stuff started to go by and I told him we weren't going to stay out much longer. ...and then I looked up and took that last shot and said it was time to head on in <g>. About twenty minutes after we got back, the National Weather Service hit the alert on the TV stations for a Severe Weather Advisory (Thunderstorms with ground strikes and large hail and get indoors) for an area about twenty miles north of us. Well, the weather has cleared for the most part here; we're having relatively clear days, although the afternoons are loaded with warnings of thunderstorms. ...and I'm feeling better; I think the first viral thing has pretty much given up on me. ...and the cold seems to be on its last legs. ...and the bronchitis/bacterial thing is backing off enough to make me think the antibiotics are working. So maybe with a couple more days of taking it as easy as I can? Ya' know, sometimes you can look back (or not so very far back) when you hear dialog like this (from a young couple at Costco the other day): Him: "Honey, look at this great track light! It just plugs in!" ...and thus we have the two basic dynamics: he's found a neat new toy that's just all sorts of cool. ...and she wants to know where it will actually go before it ends up at home in a closet or propped up against the wall in the living room for a year or two. Not much to say here... It's late on a Friday night and I've spent the evening kicking back with Shelley in the double recliner; I've been reading a book while she's been watching TV. We don't get to do that very often... Well, Happy Saturday to everyone out there! I think it was foggy this morning, but we slept in and now it's sunny and I'm thinking I should at least try to get out and see if there's enough muscle tone left to be able to blade at least around the block! Yeah, lung function is another component, but I think the morning coughing may be over (assisted by the first latte in over a week. Sheesh, talk about withdrawal!). ...and if that works, I may try a little low-key gardening (just a session with a weed whacker). Yeah, yeah, but I'm just darned tired of being tired and forcing myself to not do things. I figure it can't hurt to try <g>... Yeah, not bright, but I did manage both of yesterday's projects: I did blade (almost a full run) and I did manage to weed whack a bunch of the side yard down enough for the boys to rake up. ...but man, that was totally it for the day. Impulse power only; the dilithium crystals are pretty much depleted and need a much longer recharge period than I thought... ...so we headed off in mid-afternoon to try out a newly opened Mexican restaurant (yep, pretty good!), and that turned out to be the final project for both Shelley and me for the day. She'd been cleaning out old files since mid-morning and was dead tired too. ...and so the late afternoon and evening turned into some time together on the couch with her on the phone and me reading and resting. ![]() Click image for larger version "Any sufficiently advanced technology is ![]() ![]() ![]() All content Copyright 1999->2005 Daniel C. Bowman. Most rights reserved. |