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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2148 03/12/2005)

Well, we made it through the weekend at our place. Yep, Brad's Science Board is ready to turn in early, Daniel's brochure on the planet Mars is ready to go (as well as a last minute remembrance about a paper due on the Irish Potato Famine), Shelley got some shopping done and I managed to get another box up and running...

Yep, nothing but excitement at our place, but hey, that's how it goes sometime. ...and by front-loading the week, we may catch a break and be able to travel up to the snow one day next weekend. Yeah, that would be cool (literally).

...and the box? That's that reserve unit I wanted to bring up so I could bare metal the Win2k box. That one has been acting a bit strange and I think it's time to bring him down or just replace him. Dunno', I still don't have full brain power back after the events of the last few weeks...

...but I'll take what I can get!


Tank top weather!!! Oh, it may not hold, but yesteday when I got home it was 70F outside! That meant swim trunks and a tank top to blade in! Oh, yeah, I can work with that!

Sanity may return today...


I'd like to make a real nice long post about this or that or something else, but after a longish day at work and dropping by the dentist on the way home, I think I'm rather fixated on the chocolate cake Shelley had waiting for dessert last night...

More when the glow fades...


Oh, man... We just got notice that tonight is the orientation for Daniel's class entering high school next year. Oh, man. In just a few months I'll have a son in high school...

Oh, man...


It was a "girl's night out" for Shelley and some of her friends; so it became a "guys night in" with pizza and a movie here...

Yep, happy campers all around...


We'll be taking our day of rest today if things work out correctly: we have our annual 'snow trip' planned for tomorrow, so today will be some prep and and some kick back...

I'll hit the storage place for the snow gear at some point, but I think I'll spend much of the day inside working on a recalcitrant wireless NIC that's keeping me from getting one particular Windows box from functioning as I'd like it to. 'Course, it's easy to say that now, but once I'm out and blading, the urge to stay outside and garden may change that game plan a bit <g>!

Happy Saturday!


Yesterday's plans? Not a prayer... Oh, I did manage to finally drag myself out of bed and get my tail in gear and go blade (always something of a challange after blading the night before). ...and I did manage a photo walk as a cool down after I bladed (and another with Brad just after that). ...but I have to tell you, that was about it!

Yeah, after I showered and ate a little something, the rest of the day was taken up with just picking up some snow stuff from storage and then checking out a botanical garden that's being developed in the area. ...and then taking an unscheduled nap! Oh, and realizing I have a bit of sunburn from the last few days blading and hanging out in a tank top once again!

Ah well, it'll be cool up at 8000 feet today!

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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