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Most Recent (Last update: 2359 01/21/2007)


Well, the freezes may be over? Nah, it's 29F outside as I write this (close to midnight). Water that's frozen in the shade doesn't thaw at all during the day; that pretty much says the citrus crops locally are a done deal for this year. That's life in the ag lane sometimes...

Shelley's okay/better. Thanks for the helpful tips, emails and phone calls. I'll monitor her Tuesday at home...

Later, folks...


No post


Finals week. That's where the focus is...

Yes, more ice photos. Yes, I'll catch up with email...



Survival... That's the name of the game this week. The kids their finals (and their parents <g>), Shelley her head conk (better, but slowly), me the respiratory crud that's had me knocked down for a couple of weeks now...

Speaking of which, let me extol the virtues of root beer as an elixir of life for those with upper and lower respiratory problems. One can of high octane root beer (diet just doesn't work) in the morning works nicely to break up the mucous in those bronchioles and in the posterior pharynx (I can get away with that since I know I have at least one medical professional reading this site <g>). I would advise partaking of this cure away from other humans as the obvious byproductive cough (which is what you want) is somewhat bothersome to those with delicate senses (like hearing) and imaginations.

...but enough of that. On with life!


...and every so often you win one: the oldest out heading out of town with friends for a few days, the youngest safely ensconced in a land of dragons and paladins, and just the two of us out for a quiet dinner and conversation.

Long overdue...


Oh, man, one of those days you just look back on and ask what happened to it. We did have dinner out with Brad (on someone else's dime) and he got to try Oysters Rockefeller before his lamb entree. He's a delight to have along as he really enjoys the nuances of the food world...

Not that I don't <g>...


Okay, okay, okay, the Christmas tree is restrung with lights and is wrapped up in enough shrink wrap to be cast as an extra in the next 'pod people' movie.

...other than that, it was a Sunday.

The Conjuror
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indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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