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Most Recent (Last update: 2300 04/29/07


Oh, man... Somewhere in the interaction of my RSS reader between the work box and this box things have become quite hosed. ...default type hosed.

The good news is that I have a back up of the .rdf portion of the database, but the .xml portion is locked into the default feeds. Since this is the second time this has happened to me I think it's time to experiment with a new system. ...and crossplatform and web-based is how I chose to go.

I'm thinkin' I'll be playing catch-up with y'all for a bit...


No post


...and not much more this evening to talk on and on about. Work's been keeping me busier than normal (it's our fiscal year end), and there are some things here at home that we're gathering information on and making decisions about that will set how we start our summer out.

...and I'm slowly trying to rebuild my RSS feed list in a couple of products to see which one will work better for me cross platform. Darn, I wish inforss hadn't hosed the files stored on the server!

Such is life in the blog lane...


Rodeo Weekend is coming...



The weekend. ...and I have a list. ...quite a list. heck of a list.

Let's see what happens.


The main item on that list? Get Shelley's van back in the garage...

...and my shrinking ray is on the fritz again. Darn...


I'm going to have to re-read Dante; I just don't recall anything about one of the cicles involving almost continous cleaning and maintenance for 48 hours or so. Okay, it may be under 'sloth', but man...

Friday evening I did the lawn and the side yard and then started in on the garage. I'd moved Shelley's van out before the DisneyLand trip to accomodate some Spring cleaning from inside the house into the garage. ...but with the trip itself and then the family getting sick the following week, that pretty much put things on the back burner. No problem; a weekend should do it, -right?

Little did I know it was going to be 98 on Saturday and nearly as hot today...

The Conjuror
Click image for larger version

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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