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The Time Sink

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Most Recent (Last update: 2253 06/17/07


Well, school's out for the boys; which means we heard the first, "I'm bored" comment Thursday night. Shelley still has a couple more days in the district she teaches in so I'll have Brad with me a time or two as an assistant this week. Daniel has summer school to kill a class from next year so he can stay in choir; and we're actively looking for sports camps to send Brad to as that's the only way we figure we can keep the "bored" comments to a minimum...

...although he learned a bit about "hole digging" last night: I need to have a grasp on exactly where the various water lines run in the area in front of the house; I'd prefer not to have a support column for 'the project' resting on one if I can avoid it. ...and I'd like to know where things like the sewer cleanout are so I can access that in the future without having to turn up a bunch of paving stones. we're digging lots of holes!


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...but it was hot!


...and the heat is here: 101 to 104 predicted for the next few days. ...and we might as well get hit with it now so we can appreciate it when it drops back to 99. ...and since it's in the 80's outside as I write this at 2300? Yeah, we'll soon be at the time when the overnight low is in the 70's.

More to talk about later...


Day off: Shelley has some scheduled outpatient surgery.

Thanks, all went well...


Thank you all for the well wishes on Shelley's surgery and successful return home. She's resting (under protest), but recovering well from a laproscopic procedure. Fruit smoothies, Arizona iced tea and magazines are keeping her from going whacko as she waits out the time for her body to settle down from having her insides poked at with steel rods...

I'm doing okay also, just skosh sleep from watching over her and making sure I don't miss something significant in the recovery process. It's been a few years since I've done in-house wound care, but I still remember how to ride that bicycle, thankyouverymuch. I'm a tad behind on email and phone calls; I'll try to catch up this weekend...

That should be easy enough considering the temps!


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Pretend we're at the beach: the kids are playing with their friends (online rather than in the water); Shelley is reading books and magazines (and grousing about not being able to 'get out'); Dan's reading and napping and kicking back (and not doing yard work). metaphors go, it could be worse.

The Conjuror
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indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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