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Most Recent (Last update: 1100 12/08/07




Lather, rinse repeat...




Retro post: the rain that came in yesterday probably pushed us up to where we are supposed to be for the season! Considering we haven't had anything to measure yet, that's pretty impressive. ...and the local ski place up the hill announced they'd be opening this weekend! That's more important: that means snow, which means water for Summer here.

...and in further 'driving news' (for Grandma and Aunt Ann: Daniel drove himself to his haircut appointment and then did a store run for Shelley. Yes, by himself. ...and Herself? She survived too.

Happy Friday!


The week in retrospect? Yes, I may have to things that way, if only for this week. Things are a tab busy at work, what with some contract stuff and the normal level of insanity; and home hasn't slowed down quite yet for the holidays. Heck, it's picked up; being married to Mrs. Claus can shift priorities just a bit until after the Super Bowl...

Today's main thrust is to be work on getting the garage to the point the mommy van can get back inside for the cold months; that's going to take longer than planned because the storm systems that passed through have left things a bit cold outside. ...and my hands and knees really can't take as much of that as they used to.

Patience, more than a virtue: a bit of an necessity...4

nter>Let's see what happens...

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The Conjuror
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indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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