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Daily doings in the land of The Time Sink
Have a Spammer for lunch?

I think Dave has put together a great piece on a potential payback (and payoff)!

Residents of California, Colorado, Connecticut, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Iowa, Louisiana, North Carolina, Nevada, Oklahoma, Rhode Island, Tennessee, Virginia, Washington, West Virginia have a read.

Your public service message of the day<g>...

7/11/2001 10:54:38 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 7/11/2001 10:31:45 PM

She's back...


7/10/01 1:20:57 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 7/10/01 1:17:23 PM

<script language="Sigh">

function vacation(duty1, duty2, duty3)
self.name = "end";
remote = end("pack", "clean", "travel);
function life (work, household)
self.name = "resume"
remote = resume ("Tuesday", "Monday");
function plan (date, length)
self.name = "next"
remote = next, (soonest, longest);
// -->


7/8/2001 9:48:10 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 7/8/2001 9:16:20 PM

The show before the fireworks...

Sunset before the fireworks

Still busy working on not doing things...

7/6/2001 8:32:51 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Friday 7/6/2001 8:24:09 PM

Catch 22...

I don't think I've unwound quite enough yet:

I started to work on the Vacation Bible School page for the church web site. So the first place I went when I needed some additional information was???


If I were a spreadsheet, my 'Circular References' flag would have come up...

7/3/2001 9:07:06 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 7/3/2001 9:04:15 PM


Copyright 2001 by
Daniel C. Bowman