I just can't get away from it...
When I came in this morning, the network was hosed. ...not unusual for a Monday. ...and not unexpected as the downtown area had lost power for a time Saturday evening.
No problem, the second assistant IT minion will be in shortly.
One guess who ended up as the guest BOFH for the day...
Heh! Story later...
4/9/01 2:07:35 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Monday 4/9/01 1:52:17 PM
Linux installs still scare me...
No, not the installation itself; it's when Mandrake ejects that first CD against my right arm while I am concentrating on something else...
4/8/2001 10:37:18 PM
Imperfection as a father...
Yeah, Shelley's quite correct: today was not the best day in that department.
I think Jim's been there also...
Read the Paul Harvey one below it while you're over there.
But you just learn and keep on trying...
4/8/2001 9:49:37 PM
No good deed goes unpunished?????
...but Patti you're not even in the profession!
Unless hanging around with Al has somehow infected you???
4/8/2001 2:22:35 PM
Well said, Debbie...
4/8/2001 1:06:28 PM
A late start to the day...
I was up late last night working on several projects. One of them was that story I promised you on Friday.
I give you Melancholy
..and now it is time for some breakfast. Yes, the time stamp is quite accurate...
4/8/2001 12:14:46 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 4/8/2001 12:09:21 PM
The rain broke long enough for me to notice the dry streets! I strapped on the blades and headed out...
...only to get an education in cloud formations. Let's see, what was that about cumulus clouds above and sunshine on the valley floor? Oh yeah.
So I stayed within about a half-mile of home. That worked well; when the wind picked up and the rain started, I only had about three blocks to go.
...and I missed the hail.
4/7/2001 5:43:23 PM
Rain continues...
An interesting facet of the current weather: the rain is falling vertically... I mean, no wind effects at all. It's been raining since yesterday afternoon and there are still dry spots on the patio. Any place protected by so much as the end of a tree branch is dry. This is just strange...
...and now you have a feel for how my mind is working this morning.
Time for breakfast...
4/7/2001 10:18:46 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 4/7/2001 9:54:05 AM
A Longish Week...
Home. The email forward to work is killed....
Time to move at full bore for just a few more minutes and get the class box over to Lee. Then I can slow down for a time...
The events of the day have brought a sense of melancholy. That's not necessarily a bad thing...
That just means there's a story in the works...
4/6/2001 5:01:31 PM
Ever wonder about a writer's work environment?
Yet another burning question is answered thanks to the web...
...and Debbie's well enough to post. ...and that was likely no dream!
...and it will be an interesting day at the work site: another medic is joining the 'Twenty Year Club'; that makes four of us who've been here for twenty years or longer. They're grilling burgers on the patio today for all the employees. Shelley says she'll be here (she hails from the old days).
4/6/01 9:25:19 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Friday 4/6/01 8:59:12 AM
Let's talk...
Well, it's time to figure out what the heck to do over here. ...and you're invited in on the action. Personally, it looks like the temporary lashup of resources I put together Tuesday is going to be needed for a while longer. ...and the longer I spend on this site, the less inclined I am to return to the Manila site.
I'll save the discussion of the relative merits of Manila as hosted on Frontier servers and my current methodology for another time. I'll get to that as it may be of some use to others looking to start a daily log. But, for now, I'd like to focus on how this site is used and how to flesh it out.
If you've been to my Daynotes site, you know I'm pretty much a 'bare bones' designer. Well, okay; that fits in on a site that caters to computer-oriented people. What I found quite unexpectedly when I fired up my EditThisPage site was that people were interested in the types of stories and family stuff I put up over there/here.
...and I've also found that a page with a 'spot update' ability fits into the quirky way my brain works and the way things strike me as I go about my life. ...although at least one reader just doesn't appreciate the 'deliberate misunderstanding' school of humor (the CalTrans joke that leads off posts here).
Okay, so it's not Christmas; but lets make a list and check it twice:
- No discussion group. (no loss?)
- Lose the email link after each entry.
- A stories section? ...with some stuff from the ETP site?
- Pictures available separately?
- Eye candy around the edges? Suggestions?
- A link-o-rama ala Al and Patti?
- Deal with the header (larger, more readable).
- No calendar. (no loss?)
- This site is very viewable in IE 4, IE 5, Netscape 4.7 and Konqueror. Are any of you PastelPeople having problems?
...and hey, anything else you can think of. If you're a regular reader of this site, you know I'm rather approachable.
4/5/2001 9:18:06 PM
Yeah, the times; they are a changin'...
New look, new/old site (my main domain), lots to do, lots to learn...
Bear with me as I stretch the envelope a little...
4/5/2001 7:23:37 PM Any thoughts on that?
You want something powerful???
4/5/2001 7:00:12 PM Any thoughts on that?
They're still working on it...
Frontier News says maybe later today...
...and it's been a longish day in the pit for me. I've accomplished plenty, but the stack grew almost as fast as I could pull papers from it. Man, talk about self-replicating...
4/5/01 4:01:41 PM Any thoughts on that?
La, La, La, La: Life goes on...
The Weblogs server came back up for a time last night, but I cannot hit it from work this morning.
Ah well; I'll just keep playing with this template and see where the winding road leads me...
4/5/01 10:34:08 AM Any thoughts on that?
Page Flip Thursday 4/5/01 10:07:42 AM
At last!
"Go read my post; it's cute and you have about four sites to link..."
She's quite correct...
4/4/2001 10:12:44 PM Any thoughts on that?
Shades of Beige... |
The other day, Randy put up a Bev Doolittle print (larger version here).
Tonight, I thought I'd try my version of the same thing. I give you a beige cat on a beige afghan on a beige bedspread<g>:
Extra points for ears and nose!
4/4/2001 8:59:00 PM Any thoughts on that?
A late morning update to the main site... |
I spent most of my discretionary time last night finishing the draft pages for the Easter information on the church kid's site. The good news was the nice reception it received this morning from the staff.
Anyway, a post on reading online versus with a dead tree is up...
4/4/01 11:02:57 AM Any thoughts on that?
Page Flip Wednesday Morning 04/04/01 |
I see where Dave is now quoting Douglas Adams...
Short version: the cleanup/reset/whatever of the Weblogs server continues. Shelley's site is still unreachable; mine is problematic and Weblogs itself appears down.
No matter: the Blog must go on!
4/4/01 8:31:10 AM Any thoughts on that?
One last test before I go... |
FWIW, this blog is hosted on my main site and powered by CoffeeCup Software's new QuickPost program.
While I don't think Greymatter is threatened at all, blogger might hear something on it's heels with a few improvements...
4/3/01 5:30:21 PM Any thoughts on that?
Sometimes I just don't understand CalTrans... |
On the way to work this morning I saw one of those big orange diamond warning signs. It said simply: "Landscaping".
I mean, I know the rainfall's been bad, but do they expect the plants to attack my car for the radiator water?
Couldn't they just plant drought tolerant plants?
4/3/01 12:45:10 PM Any thoughts on that?