Come on, the real impact of live posting from an event site isn't Doc and Dan Gillmore blogging the Craig Mundie speech in real time...
...it's Eve, having a Priceless moment at an Internet cafe!
For once she wasn't obvious, having to take notes on her Palm...
(She's my heroine, if you haven't figured that out yet<g>.)
7/27/01 2:29:21 PM
As soon as I can, Honey
As soon as I can...
7/27/01 1:26:35 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Friday 7/27/01 12:56:34 PM
A late start for me...
...and if you're looking for Mr. Vreeland, he's over here for the moment...
7/26/01 12:03:30 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 7/26/01 11:53:30 AM
In the back window...
...of the full sized pickup in the parking lot:
Yes, it's my pickup.
No, I won't help you move!
7/25/01 3:08:01 PM
It's a good day...
N o a h' s b a c k!
Thanks, John.
7/25/01 9:26:12 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 7/25/01 8:56:41 AM
The weather continues...
Yep; that was yesterday Frank: today the humidity is up to something like 25% with temps in the mid nineties in the early afternoon. We're melting from that high humidity...
...and they've just upgraded tonight's overnight low to 72 degrees.
But I didn't need to check in with the professionals to know the barometer was dropping: every damaged, arthritic joint in my body (and there are more than a few over the years) has been telling me about it for the last several hours...
Time to dig out the ibuprofen...
7/24/01 2:32:14 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 7/24/01 2:12:05 PM
The weather report...
If the weather guy's satellite view of the West is to be believed, garret's storm just dropped over the mountains from the east and is pounding the area to our north with rain and hail. ...and the lightning is keeping Daniel awake as it flashes off the cloud cover.
...and Hal is done. ...sorta'. ...kinda'.
7/23/01 22:51:12 PM
Something a little different...
Normally I leave the geek stuff to the main site; but this one is building a little momentum...
Short version: If you receive an email with "I send you this file in order to have your advice." in the body, kill file that thing. Treat it like a snake. ...'cause that's what's in the attachment: a combo worm and virus package that isn't slowing down like they thought earlier on Friday.
Frank had a nice reminder at the end of his Sunday post. ...and the corporate world is getting the notices.
But just in case you didn't...
...and we all know no one opens attachments any more.
7/23/01 2:00:12 PM
Monday, Monday...
Hmmm... It seems the needle on the endorphin meter is finally lifting off the left peg. ...for the first time in several months. Shelley will be most happy to read that.
Why? Well, yesterday I continued with Saturday's theme; I figured between Hal's signing off on it and my own thoughts on the The Proper Use of Sundays, I could use another day of rest<g>. ...and I continued my quest for the black and blue jersey, adding in another half mile or so. ...with a new battery in the pulse monitor.
That went well enough. ...and this morning I feel okay despite an interrupted night's sleep. Tonight: the third stage of the re-oiled blacktop challenge...
7/23/01 9:40:35 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Monday 7/23/01 9:39:05 AM
Nothing much...
That was just me archiving for the first time in a while...
7/21/2001 7:37:56 PM
Man, I went back to sleep this morning and didn't wake up again until after noon. Maybe those people who write in to me telling me I'm too, too busy are too, too correct<g>.
But, with brunch now internalized and the lists of things to do in front of me, I'm ready to go pack Projects and Important Things into what's left of my day!
I think I'll go drop my core temp a few degrees in the pool and then take a nap on the chaise until that feeling passes...
7/21/2001 2:31:57 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 7/21/2001 2:21:40 PM