Photo Day. Well, Patti really did it this time. Wow. What a way to spend a day... Since we were in travel mode much of this weekend, I'd planned Saturday as 'picture day'. ...and I'd let Shelley know in advance what was going on, just in case I pulled the camera out at really strange time <g>! 0800-The day started early enough for the boys and me; Shelley slept in a bit, but before she was even up, I'd taken a shot of my metaphor for the project. 0900-Breakfast ended and Daniel and I wandered out into a foyer we hadn't passed through before. find perhaps a relative of one of Erte's creations waiting for us... 1000-On the way out to explore "Old Sacramento", we paused and let Shelley's dad take an extremely rare family photo. 1100-The eleventh hour of the day found us in the train museum checking out their collection of steam engines. 1200-...and we were still at it at noon! 1300-At one o'clock, we were waiting for a paddle boat cruise up river when this little fellow came by: 1400-As we came back down river, I took this shot though the long axis of the rotating railway bridge. 1500-After the river cruise, we had lunch and did some shopping... The picture links to a larger version if you'd like to read all the rude comments on the dishes. 1500-Three o'clock found us still shopping and me desperately looking for something to take a picture of besides one of one thousand t-shirts... 1600-...but on the way back to the motel, I caught a side shot of the gradient fill building. Stay with me on this, okay? 1700-After we went back to the hotel, the boys got to experience their first dip in a hot tub! 1800-...and we were still there when the fire alarm went off! 1900-...and now you can begin to see how that building blends into itself. 2000-...and yes, I am feeling a bit self-indulgent about it <g>! 2100-At nine, we have finally ordered dinner. ...and I step out on the balcony to take an overhead shot of one of the fountains below. 2200-Ten PM. ...and dinner is over. Finally... 2300-This is an extremely rare shot. Rarer even than the family shot: Shelley and Bradley still awake way past their bedtime... Mercifully, Daniel and I packed it in before midnight... Thank you, Miz Patti; this was a lot of fun! |