I'd left work a bit late, and I wasn't sure if I wanted to blade. ...and the clouds were cool enough on the way home.
I thought maybe I'd get a layered shot or two for my stock files.
...but then the sunset started getting interesting,
so I wandered down the street toward the cul de sac,
taking the occasional shot.
...and yes, the sunset started to look worthwhile;
so I took my usual sequence,
hoping for one shot good enough to use.
...and I tried to get the span of the sky,
from the clearing skies in the southwest, to the rain starting to fall to the northwest.
Yeah, one very cool rain shot...
...and as the sun sank lower, that rain unexpectedly swept up to where I was.
...light at first, then heavier as I headed home; until just a few minutes later, the streets were running heavy.
...and the petals from the trees flowed along with the water.