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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2331 10/10/2004)

Well, the day was spent at home, generally asleep or napping or reading until the next nap. I'm a bit done in by whatever this cold/whatever is (I suspect it got into my sinuses and lungs). Tonight is early to bed and then we'll see how I feel and how much of a cough I have in the morning.



Better... I made it into work today and managed well enough (well, not bad for missing half a brain). Tomorrow will be more of a challenge in that I have to make a shopping run regardless. So, we'll see how my stamina is...

Yes, not blading for a week is making me crazy...


Homework, homework, homework... That's what evenings this week are turning into. Sheesh,these guys have a load. ...but ya' know what? Their grades reflect the time Shelley and I spend reviewing and reteaching. So, yeah...

Maybe I'll get some geek time later in the week...


Still lots of mud, but we're headed back toward normal (in another few weeks they tell us)...

The main lines in front of the house are now covered...

At least they're not being rained on...


Well, it's supposed to be in the 90's today (again)... Sheesh.

Shelley has worked her tail off this week and is looking for a quiet weekend; I've been under the weather (read: not feeling up to doing a whole lot besides the boys' homework) and ready for a quiet weekend; both boys have had a full week and are probably ready to break loose and party all weekend...

I'm sensing a potential conflict point here...


...not much on the list today other than rest and recuperation. Well, Shelley needs a flu shot because of the MS and this manufacturing shutdown has limited our options. So it looks like we'll be starting the morning out at a drug store in the downtown getting that taken care of.

After that, there's some sleep (if I can) and some networking issues to be resolved; I'm restructuring things here after rethinking a bit (call it a paradigm shift if you wish <g>) and I need to see about NAS as an option to the server setup that kinda' sorta' is still down after the move out to the kitchen...

Details as things coalesce...


Me? I slept over half the day away! Yeah, I fell back asleep in the morning, then again after I had breakfast and my coffee. Sheesh. ...but the sinus and lung components of the "whatever it is" seem to have cleaned significantly. Cool. Now all I feel like is that I got hit by a truck.

I think I'll go sleep some more...

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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