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The Time Sink

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Most Recent (Last update: 2359 6/19/2005)

Well, my plans for taking it completely easy yesterday got dumped a bit when the van didn't want to start easily as we were leaving for church. Yeah, the battery was pretty well hosed and needed replacement. That meant a trip to Costco, but I threw brunch and a nap in before tackling such a heavy project <g>...

So all is well, but I'll be working a bit in the evenings to clean up more of the outside areas: we'll be entertaining this weekend for Father's Day (and yes, I'll be cooking with the smoker!) and there are some areas I just haven't hit as yet this year.

Hmm... Maybe I can enlist my helpers, -eh?


Snippets from the ending of the school year:

Last Friday school let out at 1230. I had the first phone call at 1530, "Dad, when are you coming home? I'm bored here by myself..." I believe that sets a new record for this household...

(Of note: Shelley advised me today that on that trip home from school on Friday all she heard was how nice it would be sitting all alone at home watching TV...)

Perception being everything...

....a story being passed around at the party that Friday night about how a particularly obnoxious kid was leaving school and tossed off a "Nya, nya, I won't have to see you all summer long!!!" to the principal. which the principal came back with, "See ya' in ten weeks, kid!"

(Yep, it's a short summer here...)

Summer attire...

I'm stepping out of the shower Sunday morning and hear, "Brad, are you dressed and ready for church?" That was followed by an indistinguishable mumble from down the hall, followed by the inevitable, "Church clothes?"

Oh, yeah, it's a riot here...


To blade or not to blade. Whether 'tis better to suffer the heat of the summer sun or to...

...and as I am pondering my sun-bleached skull, weak and weary (apologies to both authors), Shelley called on her way back and asked if Bobby Salazar's sounded better than Subway. żDispensa me??? żUna cerveza? żDos?? No problema...



Not much to report here. ...other than Happy Birthday, Irv!

Oh, and I'm SO ready for the weekend!


Yep, it's all true. ...and if California falls into the ocean you probably won't be too surprised, -eh? I mean, we're in the middle of an earthquake cluster up and down the state (San Andreas must be stressed worse than a Jacko Juror {really, 'we thought he was guilty but we couldn't convict him') and it rained here last night and today. Oh, and the temp didn't even reach 75F here in Central California in mid-June....

Dunno', folks...


It was a very long day today, what with getting thing ready for Sunday's get together. ...and I may have overdone it just a little. ...but hey, things are mostly handled, and I think we're ready for the gang to show up.

Sure, pictures when I have a moment....


I had a great Father's Day today, even though it involved being up early enough to fire up the beast at 0600. ...but I'm also tired enough to not even want to do the weekly page flip this evening. I'll just have to take a rain check until Monday evening.

Until then...

The Conjuror
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Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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