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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2359 10/13/2006)

Photo notes (in lieu of content <g>)... Nope, that's not me on that bungie jump off the crane on the photo blog. ...although at $35 I wouldn't be adverse to it. ...but the thought of Shelley keeling over while she watched me? Nah, let's just keep things in check. ...for this year.

I'm still playing with Adobe Lightroom. So far I've noticed a tendency to oversaturate and over-pixilate my shots. That may be in part to changing to a cast off monitor from work. I may change back to the older, smaller LCD I was using and see how things process there. I'm thinking people with CRTs are seeing some really dark, noisy photos lately (input welcome). All in all though, I think Lightroom is one heck of step up from Adobe Camera Raw; I'm able to utilize a much wider range of shots from both cameras.

Happy Monday!




I'll tell you...


...about it tomorrow!

Just busy, that's all...


Let's see... I think the high point of the insanity this week was Wednesday evening? Yeah, that was it: Monday and Tuesday were just flat busy, but Wednesday evening found me in the county to the north well after sunset retrieving a kid's backpack (actually two different kids' backpacks and a pair of shoes; and no, we still don't know whose shoes) from a golf course post-tourney. ...which would have been okay, even the part about getting home way late, but for the homework contained in the backpack that turned out to be a major project due Friday morning. ...which tossed Thursday evening (and the day for Shelley) into the proverbial cocked hat as we formatted the heck out of Marie Curie's life!

...but back to Wednesday? Lesson learned by the other kid (hopefully!): don't put off homework figuring that dear old Dad will be home in time to help review/teach/work problems; sometimes that simply doesn't happen. ...and Geometry does not get any more clear as midnight draws nigh.

Nope, those lines all start looking skewed to me...


Yesterday was a day off for me. Well, not off-off, just off: I still handled some office things from home, and most of the day was spent gathering nuts and bolts (and berries) to put things together with over the weekend. ...and one medical appointment. ...and a flu shot. ...and a duck shot. ...and grilling a bit. ...and wondering if the rain gutters I bought to continue work on the patio were going to fill up while on the concrete since they changed the forecast for rain from yesterday to today.

Still, it was a bit of a detox time. ...and I managed to get started on those pieces I 'owe' for "Views. even if it does rain, I have work I can do.

...and there are always books to read!


Nope, no rain, other than a sprinkle. I did get a few things done both days so that's kinda' cool. The biggest thing now it getting the priorities straight for when I do have a moment or two to work on something.

One of those moments did happen Tuesday evening: I managed a few 'garage moments' with the tools and tore apart a USB hub and rebuilt it into a drawer system I use at work. It makes it easier to use my USB keys. Okay, I'm too lazy to bend over and I just wanted to play <g>!

Four ports; two in use...
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The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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