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Most Recent (Last update: 2359 02/03/2007)


Now that I've gotten that out of my system... Yeah, that one has been brewing ever since the morning in November when Brad and I both realized we were up before sunrise and literally "headed for the hills" to see what we could see. ...and the prose came later. ...and then the piece came together. There are other shots from that morning, but those will likely go up under another genre...

Open house at the high school tonight. Homework with the junior higher after. Tuesday is music lesson day...

I'll be back when the next break occurs <g>...


Oh, happy day... Adobe is taking Lightroom to Version 1.0. Yep, "never buy x.0 anything", but considering what the beta 4.1 has done for my presentation over on the photoblog since the Fall I think going with 1.0 is a given. That and the fact that the beta is going away at the end of February and they're offering a decent discount for early adopters. ...and adding in goodies.

garret is maintaining linkage for those looking for reviews and such...

Yes, we'll find the educational version for Mr. Brad...


Dinkin' around in the Linux 64 bit environment this evening while doing homework with Daniel (geometry/chemisty)...

Related to the 64 bit side of things? This is one sweet piece of work! Thread here...

Learn by doing...


More wailing and gnashing of teeth, what with the homework and more 64 bit work. ...but Brad is getting his fractions down and I'm learning to undo the shouldn'tadun that I did.

Well just call both "progress" and move on...


Just a quiet evening at home...


...followed by one long ol' day working on projects around (and near) the house. I mean, I know not to get up early on Saturday mornings; I really do. If I get up early, I tend to start puttering early; and sometimes that leads to doing a little to much during the day.

Since it was warm enough (above 50) I could work outside in a t-shirt and decided it was a good time to continue the rose pruning project for the guy across the way who can't handle yardwork any longer. ...and those poor bushes haven't been touched for several years. ...and I'm not of the 'hack it flat' variety of rosarian; I'm of the 'three or four strong canes in an urn shape' sect. Yeah, it'll be a few more weeks.

...and somewhere in the mix of the day I decided this was the weekend to drop a run of Cat5 through the attic and into the dinning area where this computer hutch is located. Umm... Vaulted ceiling. Closet access. Rafters like monkey bars. Daniel was a huge help and I have a pull in that's working. I'm guessing I'll tidy it up on both ends later in the week.

...and then I got the email on Lynn and that didn't perk me up at all. By the time I get finished cleaning up the "stacks-o-stuff" I'm thinking Sunday is going to be a pretty low key day...

Peace to our "dreamer"...


...and it was. The day was spent taking it easy from the endeavors of Saturday (that didn't end until well into Sunday morning) and watching the game.

Have a good evening...

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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