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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2359 06/02/07


Memorial Day...

Your day to remember.


Back to work and back to school and glad of it! ...and least for Daniel and me; we're done with the heavy work until the weekend, although we have some evening digging to do to find out where some of these lines are.

...and Brad and Shelley are back from three days at the coast with some friends. ...and they are not ready to return to the valley heat after walking around in sweat shirts for three days.

More as the week progresses...


Good grief! I forgot about the chaos the last week or two of school can produce. So far we have one kid's concert tonight and another one on Friday. ...and a graduation for some friends to attend Sunday.

...but waiting for it all in another week after that is the official "It's Over!" party. One of the groups of parents who have hung out together annually since elementary school will meet for probably the tenth or eleventh time to just sit back and talk while the kids play.



I'm in 'recovery mode' this evening: last night we attended a concert performance in a school gym sans air conditioning or evaporative cooling, with the outside ambient in the 90s. I'll leave the math of how much heat four hundred bodies give off for someone who cares; suffice to say it was a long evening for both the performers and the attendees.

The kids sounded great though!


One more school gig to attend this evening: There's an awards dessert for Daniel's choir. The music director puts so much into his program and teaches his kids so darned much we simply have to go to say "Hello" and "Thank you".

...and then maybe a weekend?


Too boring... All the Ubuntu stuff is working a little too well for my demented take on things. I need to change distros and have another command set to remember and another sandbox to play in. Fedora Core 7 is just a few minutes away from becoming a complete torrent download on the i386 box; and a few minutes later it will be burned as a live CD and running that box.

Remember Rule One of upgrades: always start them after midnight...


We all pretty much took Saturday off. ...and Sunday is looking to be the same way to a certain extent. I think to much heat and too much work and school and too much other stuff just put us all in 'zero out' mode.

In other news, Fedora Core 7 was a yawn of shorts, so now this i386 (AMD1500 Shuttle) is running Debian. That should help me understand some of the stuff going on with the Ubuntu boxen.

Have a good day!

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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