Onesome: Chicken- Chicken, beef or pork? What's in the barbeque or on the grill this summer? ...or is it just too hot and a salad is all you're up to putting together? Yum! Tri tip for me and Shelley's dad (there's a picture series here from last year), pork ribs for the boys and chicken for Shelley. We're covered in rubs and mops here!
Twosome: Pot- Okay, really, did you inhale? I mean, what happened to all the side dishes that were served with the meat? ...and what side dish is essential to make your meal complete? Huh? I mean, like, what??? Heh. Ha. Ahem. Baked beans. For some reason, that's working my taste buds this year...
Threesome: Pie- Hey, are you a pie or cake kind of person? ...or is it ice cream that 'floats' your dessert boat? Ice cream. No question. ...especially in the Summer. Oh, and make it some sort of chocolate thing!
How about you? What are you cooking up to? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Any thoughts on that?
Just because...

7/23/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Striations at sunset...

7/22/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
I almost forgot!
Last Saturday's close up is of an agapanthus bloom:

I'll have more about the plant up on HomeWreckers a little later...
7/21/2003, 2359Any thoughts on that?
Sometimes it seems as though the old ways are better... I came back from blading yesterday intending to use the blower (electric, not gas, thank you) to clear the wind-blown debris from the patios and the Japanese garden. ...but while I was puttering around doing some cleanup under the redwoods, Brad mentioned we had a nesting dove. I knew we had several, but I couldn't figure out how he could see one from his height...
Yeah. They'd built their nest about five feet above the ground. ...and that pic in the previous post was taken with the older camera from maybe three feet away from her.
Well, even though she'd been handling kids jumping into the pool just below her for the last week, I still wasn't going to fire up a blower. ...and it had been a while since I'd swept the garden, so that was incentive enough to take the time and force myself to slow down for the day.
I keep this old, ratty broom out back just for the garden. You know, the type where what's left of the plastic bristles are all bent because someone left it leaning? ...and while it's a real pain to use for the patio, it's perfect for sweeping the rocks of the garden; the bristles can pick out most of the leaves that tend to flow across the stones, but they aren't strong enough disturb the stones themselves. ...and frankly, for me it's like liz's sand garden: I can just lose myself for a while and just concentrate on moving the leaves from the rocks to the shore...

...and that worked out well; I was already overheated from blading and some other cleaning. Taking my time on the garden instead of just blowing it off slowed me down enough to get me into the pool and onto the chaise for a while.

7/20/2003, 1513
Any thoughts on that?
Hello there...
This lady changed some of my plans for earlier today...

More tomorrow...
7/19/2003, 2359Cemetery bloggin'...
Shelley (yes, Shelley!) ran across this one while we were wandering a cemetery in Cambria. ...and she was wondering about the coins and keys. Does anyone have any information? Thanks!

7/19/2003, 1648
Any thoughts on that?