August, 2003's logo. From the Sacramento, California Train Museum


One of the giant dahlias, somehow ignoring the frost reports...

11/26/2004, 0005

Any thoughts on that?
Friday 11/26/2004, 0002

Clouds can make the day...

Sunset this evening...

...and the night!

And the moonrise shortly after...

11/25/2004, 2354

The Thursday Threesome...

Onesome: Christmas-- Is it Thanksgiving? ...or just the day before the start of the "Christmas Season"? (...and how are you supposed to shop if you're all stuffed with food?) Hey, is anyone going out tomorrow to save tons of money standing in endless lines with 10,000 of your closest friends? Just curious... Shelley is heading out before the sun is up and likely won't return until long after nightfall. I'll hold down the fort here and put up the outside lights...

Twosome: Bells-- Okay, we'll give in and admit that maybe the season has started: what decorations are you looking forward to seeing in the next few days? ...the lights in the downtown? How about knowing you'll soon have a tree with that memorable ornament? The Toys for Tots drop off? What makes you comfortable knowing the Christmas season is really here?Two things tend to let me know the season has arrived: yes, when the smallish town where we live puts up all the banners and lit trees in the downtown; and when Shelley gets all the inside detail ornaments up.

Threesome: are Ringing-- your ears? What song are you just dreading to hear this season? Come on, the one that just makes you scrunch up inside and want to duck into an iron foundry so you can't hear it? Weird Al? Something from "The Nutcracker"? Those dogs? I mean come on, there's some bad stuff out there <g>... Well, I love "The Nutcracker", so that's cool. Hmmm... I suppose it would have to be one of those smaltzy versions of a traditional carol. Yeah, those bug me...

Hey, what are you listening to? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

11/25/2004, 2310

Shadow and reflection...

It was just sitting there! All I had to do was go back to my office and get my camera...

11/25/2004, 0057

Happy Thanksgiving...

The splash page for today...

Fall Foliage...
Click the pic for the full sized version

(Other Splash pages from days past...)

11/25/2004, 0002

Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 11/25/2004, 0001

Frost on the cars...

...and red on the trees.

Flood light courtesy of the setting sun...

11/24/2004, 0003

Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 11/24/2004, 0002


Sometimes when I'm blading in the late afternoon I can get a clue that the upcoming sunset might be worth a walk when I get home... see if the birds are heading home.

Just after yesterday's second shot...

...or if the light from the setting sun is just leaving a rose in a corner garden.

Whew, another one at 1/30th...

...or if the palette is something special.

Blues and pinks and golds...

Yeah, like that...

11/23/2004, 0002

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 11/23/2004, 0001

Twilight time...

Highlights on a miniature rose...

11/22/2004, 2032

Monday's rose...

Even on a foggy day...

11/22/2004, 0002

Any thoughts on that?
Monday 11/22/2004, 0001


Past the stage of 'faded glory'...

11/21/2004, 0005

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 11/21/2004, 0001

Like a yellow snowfall...

Ginko trees...
Mouseover for the overview

11/20/2004, 0100

Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 11/20/2004, 0045
