
04/22/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Domain--Hypothetically, if you could own any domain name you wanted, what would it be and why? Hmmm... You, know, I think I'll just stand pat on this one...
Twosome: Name-- Are you called by something other than your legal name? If not, have you ever had a nickname? Or done something weird with your name, to try and stand out? Like an odd spelling or a slightly different pronunciation? Or just flat out wanted to change your name? To what? Well, I've pretty much just settled on Dan... There's been a nickname or two over the years, but they aren't ones I've liked.
Threesome: Renewal--Do you have any magazine or other subscription that is an absolute 'must renew' whenever you get the notice? Oh, just Maximum PC; that's about the only subscription I maintain any more...
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

04/21/2005, 2029
Evening calla...

04/21/2005, 0005
Any thoughts on that?
Just starting out...

04/20/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Shadows and light...

04/19/2005, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Angels, open to the world, wearing cloaks of lichen and moss...

The back story is over on Daynotes...

Monday's rose...

The back story on this shot is over on Daynotes...
04/18/2005, 0005Any thoughts on that?
Morning bloom...

04/17/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Do you ever wonder what another stylist might do with one of my photos? Several answers are over on Views...

Good morning...

04/16/2005, 0015
Any thoughts on that?