Harvest time...

The pomegranates are ready...

09/23/2005, 2359

The Thursday Threesome...

Onesome - Gunning - What is it that you have been gunning for lately? Me? A little time to get caught up!

Twosome - Down - What brings you down? When I try to get something accomplished and have the process blocked by something outside my control...

Threesome - Romance - What's the most romantic movie scene you can recall? Are there any scenes that get your heart-a-fluttering? Ah, hearing the soundtrack from Somewhere in Time still can make my brain trip out and lose cognitive function for a while... As to one scene from anything? Oh, man... Nope, I can't narrow it down...

How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

...and while you're at it:

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For a "Who's Who" there's some info on Daynotes:

09/23/2005, 2359

Friday 09/23/2005, 2359

Live masking...

Done with the camera and flash...

mouseover for the brighter version

09/22/2005, 0030

Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 09/22/2005, 0015


...and pretty hard too!

09/21/2005, 0047

Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 09/21/2005, 0030

One last shot from that series...

...and then we'll move on:

Yep, same bee...

09/20/2005, 0035

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 09/20/2005, 0001

Monday's rose...

Pretty much a classic!

09/19/2005, 0040

Any thoughts on that?
Monday 09/19/2005, 0030

"Puttin' on the Ritz" (construction style)...

Top caps

Yes, I know...

Green ties

A really, really...

...and Nails

...sick mind!

...with apologies to Fred and Ginger (and Peter Boyle too!)

Okay, your Secret Decoder Ring is here...

09/18/2005, 0002

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 09/18/2005, 0001

Did I mention he had company?

They seemed to get along okay...

09/17/2005, 2229


Nope, not a honey bee...

mouseover for an overview

09/17/2005, 0132

Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 09/17/2005, 0100
