
The last two evenings I've bladed, I've had company for a time. No, not humans, some new found avian friends...

Just past the Snail Lady's house, there's a field fenced in chain link. I'm guessing the fence line runs a good 500 feet or so. The other night I came up to it to find a flock of sparrows perched amongst the wires. As I came closer, the entire bunch flew ahead to another section of wire. When I caught up to them, they repeated their performance. ...and kept at it as we moved along.

The never moved behind me, only ahead. ...and once they reached the end of the fence they just stopped and waited. Most strange. I thought about mentioning it here, but hey, enough is enough sometimes. ...until it happened again last night. Same deal: 'following ahead'...

...but it did remind me that I'd promised someone I'd collect some of my blading stories at one place. Done. ...and now you can find out who the Snail Lady is!

06/22/2003 * || send comment