Still playing catch up...
As I mentioned over on the main site earlier today, I've been behind on my posts (to both sites) due to another project...
...and a quick review shows I'm doing more linking than thinking over here.
K'. I'll just continue with that for another day or so. <g>
To make it easier to fry your brain on John's Blogger Trivial Pursuit, I've added links to the game itself and to the participants over to the left (and on the links page). ...and if you aren't familiar with all the loons in John's Pond (I wasn't; a situation currently under correction), let me just point you to a one spin off from the game:
First, Jim fired off a broadside at Randy (or is it Randi?)...
And Randy of course returned the favor...
Me? I'm still working on "I have seen a living, beating human heart, in person."... I mean, like, you know, like, well, like Al, like he's, like, well, you know, like the obvious one. But then, that could be me. But either would be too obvious. ...except that, like, you know, can you really trust someone with a blog called to not throw a curve in there? ...or a fast one right over the middle? <g>
...and really: do you even want to know the circumstances where some of the other participants could have seen a beating heart?
Well... Eric... Maybe...
In other news, I am absolutely appalled that Rick cannot find a copy of the new Asleep at the Wheel album. Austin! The local stores here had it in stock Tuesday morning. I mean, like Austin is in Texas, man...
Ummmm... No quibbles, Ciara; although I suspect those scans were on much younger males. ...ones whose specialized cross-sextions weren't fully developed. I suspect we should pass this information on to Dave for inclusion in his new notebook...
...and Amber's new site is sure nice, especially on the NT box (I simply must change that video card: way too dark). ...and I'll have to tell a motorcycle story or two: I've done those roads on a Honda Wing many years back.
Enough; I'll see you later today...
6/8/2001 12:17:52 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 6/7/2001 10:52:43 PM
Too much fun...
Do you think you know all there is to know about these gals and guys?
Hie on over to and enter John's Blogger Trivial Pursuit game!
Nope, I'm not eligible to win...
...and nope, you're not getting clue one from me<g>.
6/6/01 5:09:04 PM
Left hand; right hand...
While on the road this morning, I came across a major road construction project in a area of town I rarely get to: Burlington Northern, the state and the city are putting in underpasses at a particularly nasty rail crossing.
...and I came back the same way a little while later. The road chokes down from three lanes to two and does a dogleg around the current work area. It was nice to see the sign saying, "End Construction Zone" about a quarter mile later.
...only to see a "Right lane closed ahead" sign exactly ten feet later where they are resurfacing the road. Back to two lanes...
6/6/01 1:13:53 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 6/6/01 1:01:59 PM
Miles and Miles of Texas...
The countdown is almost over. ...and you thought I just listened to Christian rock and alternative.
Asleep at the Wheel's Ray Benson comments on the new album.
6/4/2001 11:15:40 PM
...and everything is still just fine.
A theme/meme continued from yesterday. ...and perhaps one of the draws of the communities.
There were quite a few twists and turns on our paths to finding and ending up with each other. ...and I don't see how any of it could have been changed and still turned out the way it did. But it did and we're a pair to draw to.
We also have a slightly larger age gap than John and his lady... I agree: it does make for some interesting conversations.
6/4/2001 7:58:50 PM
A question as we start the work week:
What would my life be like if I actually went to bed on the same day I last got up?
Inquiring minds want to know!
6/4/01 7:58:55 AM
Any thoughts on that?
6/4/01 7:53:16 AM
How was that for a late page flip? Well, I was a little busy this afternoon and this evening with a cleaning project. Memo to self: there is no need for any more 'spare keyboards'. Ever...
Checking in with people, I see everything is just fine with Amber; and I found out significant things can occur between clam thirty-two and clam thirty three...
...and I see that Hal's now blogging Brittany Spears and NASCAR; my goodness, what is the heat doing to him?
...and ex-Commander Dave is thinking about eternity; I'm sure this will be a series to follow. ...although I think he could rest on his laurels after the canine blogging observation.
...and for the life of me, I didn't know Louis Tiffany ever did stained glass windows. Thanks Ciara.
What have I been up to besides cleaning? Well, Saturday, after consulting with my advisors on All Things Zen (Daniel, age nine; and Cecil, age somewhat over nine), I made a few changes to the side garden:
Nothing major, except move the rocks and the lanterns out of the 'water flow'. It seems to work better now. ...and I still get the path lighting I need at night.
Oh, and just for Cecil, the refinery:
Now for some sleep...
6/4/2001 12:18:12 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 6/3/2001 11:00:32 PM
Note to self...
The proper sequence to disarm the alarm on the van after reconnecting the battery :
Set the alarm, then turn it off.
Further note: this works much better at 9:30 AM than 9:30 PM
6/2/2001 5:32:51 PM
More people stuff...
Hey, another Baby Picture...
...and for Commander Dave, "The adventure begins."
...and Cecil explains Idaho to us.
6/2/2001 12:53:36 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 6/2/2001 12:46:22 AM