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Daily doings in the land of The Time Sink
It is soooo Friday on my planet...

It's late; I'm tired; and it's time to go home!

...and it has the makings of Buckaroo Banzai type of evening: no work, not even cognitive thought. Time for some brain dead, processor running at 'five percent of load' silliness...

11/16/01 4:10:24 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Friday 11/16/01 4:04:10 PM

Yeah, well...

I've been way too hammered at work...

But a little of that jalapeno dip for a late night snack and I'm good to at least answer some e-mail...

Fri Nov 16 00:02:46 2001

Any thoughts on that?
Thursday Thu Nov 15 23:58:29 2001

The weather report...

I mentioned the rain in passing yesterday; it turns out we had over an inch of rain in about nine hours. That's a lot for here.

Now comes the fog...


Wed Nov 14 00:00:15 2001

Yeah, there's a blonde joke there...

But you know me better than that...

Tue Nov 13 23:38:51 2001

Just perfect...

The eye thing, that is...

Naw, just a personal message.

11/13/2001 11:29:54 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 11/13/2001 11:27:55 PM

Nothin'... How about you?

Daniel and I did something tonight I haven't done in years: we watched Monday Night Football...

Well, Bradley and Shelley were out by eightish. ...and Daniel was caught up on all his homework. ...and I really didn't want to do anything (Okay, so I was fooling around with a wireless card on the Win95 laptop to see if I could link it to the NT box; but it wasn't serious, honest!), so I figured we could just watch the game and pass the time.

Un-huh. Not even. ...and that game wasn't over until they ran a play after time had already expired.

Oh, yeah; and then I'm supposed to get this kid to sleep after that...

Ummm, and do a post before I crash...

Man, I'm out of practice...

11/12/2001 11:47:31 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Monday 11/12/2001 11:31:08 PM


No, not that sweetheart, the big blue one from Monsters, Inc...

Yeah, we did family-day-at-the-movies. ...and we all had a great time at that show. All four of us enjoyed the heck out of it. If you need a break from the workaday world, you could do worse.

Oh, the rest of the weekend? Hmmm... I don't recall; it seems to me it was rather busy. Maybe not. Sometimes life just gets full...

11/11/2001 11:15:15 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 11/11/2001 11:07:37 PM


Copyright 2001 by
Daniel C. Bowman