The weather report, Part II...
3/7/2002 11:21:46 PM
Thursday Threesome...
Onesome: Eat: What one food do you love so much that you could easily overeat (be specific here)? Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza. Pizza...
Twosome: Drink: What on beverage do you drink more than anything? Water. Lots of water. ...and Pepsi Twist. ...and the occasional Friday's Mudsling<g>.
Threesome: Be Merry: When life has you down, what one thing can remind you to smile? Hitting the blogs: somewhere out there, someone is having a really strange day...
What about you?
3/7/02 10:18:48 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 3/7/02 9:59:28 AM
The weather report...
3/6/2002 10:39:47 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 3/6/2002 10:32:32 PM
A shadow of myself...
While we were gathering kids in from our snow trip the other week, I was fooling around with the camera and snapped off a shot of my shadow against the parking lot surface. It was more of a concept shot than anything, but the late afternoon sun and the elevation made for something a little different.
I didn't think much about actually using the picture for anything until John mentioned Janet's Shadows project...
So I headed on over and found a few familiar people in a little different format than we're used to seeing...
3/5/2002 11:13:36 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 3/5/2002 10:54:23 PM
Relief at last...
Whew... The KittyKitty has landed on all four paws in her new home.
3/4/2002 9:30:13 PM
In the news this morning...
If you are are reader of Kitty Mead's personal pages, it's been a long weekend: her site has been unreachable since sometime Saturday (which is really uncool considering how much was going on Friday night).
Short version: she's caught in server transition hell. ...and hoping things will start moving along now that the work week has started.
3/4/02 7:52:42 AM
Any thoughts on that?
Monday 3/4/02 7:41:50 AM
Pinks for the blues...
3/3/2002 3:05:32 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 3/3/2002 3:02:59 PM
Just a peek...
3/2/2002 12:42:08 PM
Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 3/2/2002 12:39:12 PM