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The Thursday Threesome...

Onesome: Blue - what is it that bums you out and makes you feel blue? When someone needs a hand and I can't help them out even though I really want to. Sometimes my personal toolkit seems to have a empty slot here and there...

Twosome: Light - what is the light at the end of your tunnel? Sheesh. Talk about a softball to a Christian <g>! Heh. That would be God for me.

Threesome: Special - who is that special someone who has seen your bluest of blues and your light of the tunnel? Well, Shelley, of course; we've been teamed up since 1983 in one fashion or another...

So, how about you? Tell us all about it, over on The Back Porch...

Come on over and
8/8/02 8:05:32 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 8/8/02 7:56:54 AM

Hang on Bran...

...we're getting there!

Just waiting for a full stalk to bloom...
8/7/2002 10:22:46 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 8/7/2002 9:33:01 PM

Okay, so it's Monday...
Go figure...

But there are limits to my patience today...

8/5/02 11:04:44 AM

Early morning peevishness...

Okay, you run a business. You have a facsimile machine. You have it on a dedicated line...

Then why in the heck do you have it set to pick up on the fourth ring???

I don't have time for this today...

Yeah, I know: meds...

But that's what I was ordering <g>!

8/5/02 8:16:17 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Monday 8/5/02 8:11:17 AM


The mission this weekend was easy to outline: cleaning, clearing and tossing. ...and one of my old gardening hats pretty much looked like it was headed for the bin.

Found under a stack of tools...

That is, until Mr. "Hey, that looks okay to me!" saw it.

I give you one half of American Gothic, 2002...

Cleaning the side yard with his new hat...

No, his mother will not let him in the house with it...

8/4/2002 6:46:55 PM

Dinner time...

Tri-tip for dinner last night...

8/4/2002 12:30:25 AM

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 8/4/2002 12:29:41 AM

Gardening news...

Hey, my hostas are going to bloom!

How about that? No, it hasn't happened before...

8/3/2002 10:11:41 PM

Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 8/3/2002 10:07:53 PM

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Copyright 2002, Daniel C. Bowman