Bobbi's pic of Wednesday's moonrise reminded me I hadn't posted my perspective of the same event (from a few thousand miles away <g>).
I'd blasted home from work to go blading: Wednesday was the only mid-week day with no rain predicted, and I needed to get back on pace after my cold. The day had dawned with a rising fog but had cleared rather nicely after a few hours of sunlight. Some new clouds were visible on both horizons as I drove home, and I wondered if the rain would hold off until morning or perhaps start again overnight.
As I strapped my blades on I was glad I'd attached a strobe light to my "heavy hands" weights as I wouldn't be back until after dusk started to settle its cloak over the area. ...but as I headed off, and turned the first corner to the east, my eyes were drawn across the fields toward the foothills and the mountains beyond. ...and I found myself caught up in the view: everywhere the rays of the setting sun struck across the valley, the low lying clouds and ground were lit up in a gentle pink glow. ...and everywhere the clouds or foothills cast a shadow, the background was painted a deep, dark blue.
...and over it all, just a handsbreadth or two above the tallest peak, the moon was rising.
Yeah, that set a very mellow tone for some quiet time cruising around...
12/20/2002 02:50:42 PMAny thoughts on that?
Got a minute for a Marine?
...and a kid?

Link pinched from Diana, who could really use a prayer or two this night...
12/19/2002 05:15:22 PMOnesome: Google's Did the net help you find gifts this Christmas? ...not just buying things over the net, but actually finding gifts for people. Yes, I really was able to use one or two places to find things. Unfortunately, I just cannot tell those tales until after December 25th!
Twosome: Christmas Got your two front teeth? What is your "wish gift" this Christmas? No, not the one you're hoping to get, but the one you'd love to wish for! Man... How about maybe a day or two at one of those driving places? Not the evasion course; I've had that one. I'd like something like Formula One or Nascar for some all out speed. Then again, let's get real about reflexes...
Threesome: Cache Hiding the gifts again? Where are your favorite spots? Shh... Don't tell us the one they haven't found yet! Maybe you'd be better off telling us of "great hiding places from the past"... Heh! Up until this year, the old car trunk trick worked well enough. Now we're resorting to a locked shed. Shelley's gifts are a bit of a problem though. ...and that's another one that will have to wait. ...maybe for quite a while (since she hasn't caught on yet)!
What about you? How's the Christmas Countdown going? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Any thoughts on that?
The weather report...
The fog really tried to get off the ground this morning...

...but the sun burned it away to reveal why the town we live in sometimes bills itself "Gateway to the Sierras".

Yeah, yeah, I heard that! No, it's not a photoblog.
Much <g>...
Any thoughts on that?

...and I'm thinking that PhotoShop Elements greatly rocks.
(Click for a larger version.)
Any thoughts on that?
It isn't New Mexico, but...
Clouds on the way home this evening...

Lit by this...

I may try to make a panorama tomorrow...
12/16/2002 11:59:59 PMHoliday Around the Web
This one could get very interesting...

I got it from She...
Linda has it now!
Right click and take this little wreath. Link back to the site you took it from (I linked the wreath). Leave a message in the comments Email me so we know where to go from here. Let's celebrate the holidays around the web!
They're bowling ninepins here...
Outstanding lightshow!
(Bonus points for the reference<g>)
Any thoughts on that?
Core dump in progress...
Let's just say it's been a loooong day...
A rare Brad and Dad shot...

Brad and I spent the afternoon working on cleaning out "his" room into the garage and attic while Daniel and Shelley frosted cookies. At dinner, he set us up a "picnic area" so we could eat in the garage...
In the cupholder while we were working:

...and you thought I was kidding <g>!
Sunday morning coffee this week is brought to you by the candy canes of Christmas...

One tidbit of advice: if you use your coffee grinder to chew up candy canes for the shaker and you don't clean it out before you grind your coffee 'cause you think maybe it will add some taste? Yes, it does! ...enough that maybe no syrup is needed <g>!
...but a bonus: Shelley and Daniel were decorating cookies later in the day and Daniel tried the ground candy canes as a "sprinkle" and pronounced them quite yummy!
12/15/2002 11:41:32 PMAny thoughts on that?