Heading for home...

Do you see the photographer in the background of that shot? Here is what she can do with a camera!
5/23/2003, 0800
Heaven to someone...

Another candidate for "Places in Stone"...
...and feedback from 'those in the know' is that the one below is the Great Temple in Salt Lake City.Thanks, ladies; I don't often have a clue where some of these places are, but I'm always curious about those depicting a specific place...
5/23/2003, 0031Any thoughts on that?

5/21/2003, 0759
Onesome: Rain, rain- Some people love rainy days every once in a while. Are you one of them? Do they make you want to curl up in bed with a good book or going walking through the mist? Or would you rather it just go away? Oh, heck yes! I love being over at the coast with the rain pouring down. ...or here at home in the late Fall with the windows open and a fire going in the fireplace. ...and in late Spring out wandering in a Spring storm taking pictures. Yep, I'll take it most days.
Twosome: Go away- If you could go away to just one place, where would you go and why? Some place with gentle hills and trees and a lake or a stream. ...with neighbors maybe within shouting distance, but where UPS delivers. Oh, and a T-1 line...
Threesome: Come back another day- What's the one place you've been to that you would like to go back to another time? Hawai'i. No contest. We haven't been there since our honeymoon. Second place for me would be Buchart Gardens on Victoria Island in Vancouver, BC. I rode my bike there one year and the place was just fantastic.
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Any thoughts on that?
Spring into Summer...

Kinda' soon...

5/21/2003, 1911
Any thoughts on that?
Just working on some things tonight...
Something for the flower crowd...

...and something for some others (anyone recognize the place?)

Catch you in the morning...
5/20/2003, 2359Any thoughts on that?
I didn't get to go blading today...
...but I have for the last three, which is way cool because I hadn't been able to get into much of a groove with the weather and our schedules the way they've been.
...and this weekend allowed me to recapture some of the groove I'd been missing the last few weeks, that point where the wind doesn't matter and just becomes part of the mix. ...and you're not in charge, as you focus on the center and let the body adjust the speed and workload to suit its needs and wants. ...and things flow well enough to allow the arms and the hand weights at their ends to float upward and outward and then again inward into something resembling a fast Tai Chi, changing positions in time with the breathing and the rhythm of the legs.
...and it's only after you've reached the point where the body is easing up on the pace that your realize you're past both the upwind and uphill parts of the course and the trip towards home is going to be needed as a cool down time.
Yeah, like that...
5/19/2003, 2329Any thoughts on that?
...and more crunchy goodness!!!
Ladies and gentlemen, from the Rase Hall Studios, may I present the latest addition to the blogging community, Lori Rase Hall:

Please drop by and welcome her to the blogosphere!
5/18/2003, 2252Nothing ever happens...
...on the Net on weekends. Yeah, I've heard that somewhere before <g>
...but not this weekend! Sure, Saturday was slow, but today is the birthday of the Queen of Weblogs! Yeah, Deb! You're still "The Girl!"
5/18/2003, 2221
Any thoughts on that?
Downright silly...
...but that's what you'll find here sometimes <g>!
Lynn Rockwell's Saturday Snapshot...
5/17/2003, 2349
Any thoughts on that?