It's the weekend!!!!

06/13/2003, 2359
Floating into Friday...

06/13/2003, 0030
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Quoth- Do you use quotations much? ..at all? What is your favorite quote? ...and why, pray tell? Hmmm... The recurrent one is Arthur C. Clarke's, "Any sufficiently advanced technology is indistinguishable from magic.", the tag line at the bottom of my Daynotes pages....
Twosome: the Raven- The symbol of the raven has a lot of mythology and superstition attached. How are you in this area? Do you avoid ladders with black cats perched on them on Friday the thirteenth? ...or do you just toss a pinch of salt over your shoulder and move along about your business? Hmmm? I'm not superstitious at all. Nope. Nothing here. Just move along folks... <g>
Threesome: Nevermore- ...and the softball of the week: What is it that you've tried that is on the "Nevermore" list? ...and do people even dare to bring it up around you? Hmmmm... Boogie boarding when the waves are that high again? Dunno'. Check in with me in a few weeks and we'll see...
How about you? Are you having fun with this one? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

On the downhill side of the week...

6/12/2003, 0030
Any thoughts on that?
Sometimes the trees...
...can gather the gold from the sunset.

6/11/2003, 2359
You don't get many of these here...

6/11/2003, 0041
Any thoughts on that?
"Engine turnings"...
Way back when, you'd get some carborundum and a dowel and work over a piece of metal with circular patterns. You may still see watches around with the same type of workmanship on the case.

The "Guessing Game" from Sunday is a table at the ice cream parlor with the same thing, only done in a modern fashion. I did ask Daniel stand so his shirt would reflect on the table <g>...
6/10/2003, 2359"Thistle" start the day...

6/10/2003, 0200
Any thoughts on that?
Working on some stuff...

6/9/2003, 1852
Any thoughts on that?
Closing out the weekend...

6/8/2003, 2359
Guessing games...
Okay, this is perhaps the one time when having 'comments' could be cool...

JHR should be first in...
6/8/2003, 2325Kitty...
I'm backing up Mom here with a link to her comments: Kitty was scheduled to come home this afternoon, but Lorraine's connectivity to Blogger is busy helping Rambo hack up a hairball. So the smart lady hit her comments for her update! (Hey, weren't some of us just talking about communicating via comments <g>?)
Update: Kitty is home and Mom can hit her own site once again. Coolness abounds!
6/8/2003, 1852Another morning...

6/8/2003, 1535
Any thoughts on that?
I'm not much of a morning person; the night is much more to my liking. ...but when I need to be up, like to replace a blown attic fan before the temperature is beyond workable, I try to take advantage of the coolness and the quiet.
So I had my coffee on board and was out blading with the yard sailors before the sun was very high in the sky. The bonus of an early run is spotting where I might wander a bit when I get done...
This gentleman's flowers have graced these pages several times. We had a chance to meet this morning while he was working in his garage...

The bees were busy working on his allium...

Heck, even the flies were in the mood for a snaphot <g>...

There's just something to be said for morning light...

6/7/2003, 2359
Since Shelley and I were feeling like we should kick back a little today, I checked in with the local experts...

6/7/2003, 1541
Any thoughts on that?