Just there...

Hmmm... Maybe I'll stop griping about the spycam and practice more, -eh?
06/20/2003, 2359Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Potter- Which Harry Potter character is your favourite? Why do you like him or her? I haven't read any of the books or seen the movies. Hmmm... Maybe some Summer Reading is in order?
Twosome: Publication- Is there one publication that you just have to read? A paper you read daily, a magazine you read weekly or monthly? Newsletters? And do you buy it for the articles, or just to look at the pictures? ;) Whatever it is, tell us about it! "Maximum PC" magazine. ...but then, I'm a total geek <g>! Oh, and yes, for the pictures: I love the case mods. Not that I do that stuff. Okay, so maybe one fan with LEDs...
Threesome: Party!- The festivities begin tomorrow night in bookstores across the US and England, (and elsewhere too, probably!) with fun and games for the kid in all of us. Do you plan to be there standing in the queue when the clock strikes midnight to pick up your copy of Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix? Midnight? Any night? Bloggin', baby! Heh...
How about you? Are you following the series? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...


06/19/2003, 2314
Minor digression (in B#)...
Costco: American Storyteller and Best of the Early Years as a two-pack. $9.99...
Only for the devout...
06/19/2003, 2258Any thoughts on that?
A garden visitor...

...and one not really bothered by my presence at all!

06/18/2003, 2358
Oh, and Susan?
The daylilies are in bloom <g>...

06/18/2003, 0103
Any thoughts on that?
On the road today...
...and I just liked the white and chrome on this truck in the California sun...

...and then there was this:

Yeah, Susan, if you need any flooring, we have it out here!!!

06/17/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Twilight gradient...

Good night...
06/16/2003, 2335Any thoughts on that?
Morning light...
When I got up at five to fire up the Beast, Daniel met me in the hallway, fully dressed and ready to help. Good grief, I'm not even able to speak coherently that early; that's why I did all my prep last night.
Ah, well, the company was good and we got things going. It's always nice to have some help with the rub for the meat since I need three hands to hold, apply, add more...
One of the glads at first light:

Now it's off to blade while the sausage finishes cooking...
06/15/2003, 0630Any thoughts on that?
Still playin'...
This evening Daniel and I went out and played around just after sunset looking for shots with the garden lighting and the remnants of twilight...

I think these two came out okay...

06/14/2003, 2359
Just playin'...

06/14/2003, 1910
Any thoughts on that?