Heading into the weekend...

7/18/2003, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Bell- Belling the cat: What have you taken on lately that you really, really didn't want to do? ...and did it get taken care of? Not so much something I didn't want to do, something I didn't want to start because it affected other people: I'm working on some site designs for a group project. I've managed to get the infrastructure in place (although I am moving servers shortly) and one or two bits up. ...but that's been enough to garner some feedback and help from one of the design types. So, yeah, it's getting there...
Twosome: Book- What was the last radical departure in your reading habits? I mean, you were reading one genre for a while, what did you switch to? I read mostly Sci-Fi, and military Sci-Fi at that. This summer a friend suggested I try Laurell Hamilton's "Anita Blake, Vampire Hunter" series. It's really something different, but it's great light reading at the beach...
Threesome: Candle- Do you burn candles around the house? use them for decoration? ...or are you more into flowers and tablecloths? We have scented candles here and there that we use occasionally. ...and I have one decorative sconce for the fireplace if Shelley ever gets tired of the flowers that are in there right now. Most of our decorations become cat toys at our place...
How about you? What are you up to? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Any thoughts on that?
Angels, fragile ones, trapped behind glass
Angels, open to the world, wearing cloaks of lichen and moss...
Marble work, lost forever, save smallest of plant life keeps the artist's work alive.
Line three:
The south face, weathered by time, sun and sea...

...and since you may not be able to see the carving without an LCD monitor or all sorts of gamma, here's an enhanced version (Photoshop Elements):

Then again, perhaps we should let the Master Artist handle it for us?
The north face, delicate tracery echoing the artist's work...

7/16/2003, 0010
Any thoughts on that?
Angels, fragile ones, trapped behind glass
Angels, open to the world, wearing cloaks of lichen and moss...
Marble work, lost forever, save smallest of plant life keeps the artist's work alive.
Line two:

7/15/2003, 0001
Any thoughts on that?
Angels, fragile ones, trapped behind glass
Angels, open to the world, wearing cloaks of lichen and moss...
Marble work, lost forever, save smallest of plant life keeps the artist's work alive.
Line one:

7/14/2003, 2141
Any thoughts on that?
Oh, to be able to 'see' again!

Home. ...and I think I'll let the others stand as is. Thank you for your feedback on them.
Many to cull through, but that's for another night...
7/13/2003, 2138Any thoughts on that?
Guessing Games...
A slightly different view than you're used to...

Any takers?
7/12/2003, 0100Any thoughts on that?