Onesome: Three- Lucky happenings are supposed to come in threes... What else comes in triplets and trios in your experience? Heck if I know! Blind mice?
Twosome: Dog- Dogs and cats... Got a preference? ...and how about pedigree vs pound puppies/kittens? What do you think? I'm a cat person. I've had dogs (and there is some discussion here about perhaps another), but I prefer los gatos hanging around me. I mean, when they deign to <g>...
Threesome: Night- Hey, do you ever do a Sports Night and head out to watch a local team/event? What draws you out? Is it baseball, football, hockey, racing, lacrosse? Hmmm.. We do manage to hit the local hockey games once in a while. ...but it seems we are homebodies.
How about you? What are you listening to? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Anchors aweigh...

7/29/2003, 2116
Got a minute?
Go read Lee Anders' request. ...and since you're there anyway, please leave a comment. Okay? Trust me; it will be worth it, both for the posts and the people she helps in the blogosphere...Thanks!
7/29/2003, 2052Yep, out trolling again...

7/29/2003, 2037
Any thoughts on that?
Last night...

Sure, there are more...
7/29/2003, 0101Any thoughts on that?
Friday evening: the wind as I headed out was from the south, but it was not the cooling breeze of a storm, it was the heavy summer heat pressing back against my every motion. It was late enough that only the tips of the tallest trees caught the light from the dying sun. ...but I could still see the newly plowed field that had once held my weeds. ...and the horribly tacky, yellow plastic daffodils stuck in a clump within an iris garden, dead summer though it is.
I'd adjusted my route the last few days to avoid the oiled and sanded road by the Snail Lady's place, but I was in need of a longer run. The street sweeper had made one pass, but... "Not-unsafe" would probably be the best words.
I needed the longer run. I'd had to start out at a very slow pace to keep my center. I had no hope of even a medium workout, just a slow slogging push against the heat without and within. Somehow, in that fashion only known to the human body, I found my pace had picked up by the final quarter. Still...
(Saturday was the type of day where Dire Strait's "On the Night" live album was on continuous play in the back yard as I worked and tried to unwind.)
Sunday morning: The wind was again from the south, but this time somehow cleaner and cooler. The field was still barren, and the weeds may be a thing of the past if a subdivision goes in as planned. The tacky flowers were still in place, still unbelievable to me.
...but the route to the south was now open and I could extend my time to find out exactly why they'd taken the wall down by that one house (it's going to be a pool and spa, Shelley, smaller than Russ's old one). ...and the route change put me on the back side of the old route, with the wind to my back for a longer time. ...and that let me keep the pace for the longer time needed to work things as I wanted to.
...and the trip back was pleasant enough, with music from the morning replaying itself in my mind.
(Tonight is Andrew Lloyd Webber, music from "Cats" and "Phantom...".)
7/28/2003, 0125
Any thoughts on that?

7/27/2003, 2359
Sometimes words are a bit sparse here. I fill with pictures in an attempt to translate some of what I see...
7/27/2003, 2335Any thoughts on that?
Summer in the valley...

7/26/2003, 0236
Any thoughts on that?