Come home safe
where trees flower,
and flowers bloom,
...and clouds dance,
...and sunsets happen.

My household as a cartoon...

Thanks to Wiley and his 'Non Sequitur'

8/29/2003, 2359

Any thoughts on that?
Friday 8/29/2003, 2350

The Thursday Threesome...

Onesome: Health- A loved one dies unexpectedly. You're the next of kin. Do you donate whatever organs are useful, or does the idea freak you out? Should someone have planned ahead? Someone should have planned ahead; but in the absence of instructions to the contrary, I'd sign off on the donation. donor tag is on my driver's license.

Twosome: Wealth- Your beloved Great Aunt Fern dies and leaves you two million dollars (after taxes!). But there's a catch. You have to spend it all in 24 hours. Buying stocks and bonds doesn't count and there's a $500,000 limit on a new home. You may give some of the money to charity, but don't use it as a cheat to make it work out. How would you spend the money? Oh, good grief, Sarah!!! Okay, 30% or better goes to the church. We move, land and square footage (my library!); we max that sucker. ...and since the land cost wasn't mentioned, we'll soak up some more there. Hmmm... The vehicles get a change out, but that's not much for us. College funds for the boys? Does that count? If not, I'm picking up as much land as I can so I can resell it later. Oh, and I supposed we'd just back the semi up to the local Target, Mervyn's and Gottschalk's for Shelley...

Threesome: Happiness- John F. Kennedy defined happiness as "The full use of your powers along lines of excellence." What is your definition of happiness? Have you attained it? I'll have to say my current definition involves a combination of God, family and self-actualization. ...and I'll give myself at least a "B" on that right now.

How about you? What do you think about these? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

Come on over and chat!
8/28/2003, 2317

Any thoughts on that?
Thursday 8/28/2003, 2259

Seeing beyond...

Through the fence...

8/27/2003, 2335

A wisp...

...for Lolo.

Ever heard of a 'make up' cloud pic?

8/27/2003, 2328

Any thoughts on that?
Wednesday 8/27/2003, 2326


It really did try...

Moments later...

As the clouds lightened for a few...

8/26/2003, 2359

Any thoughts on that?
Tuesday 8/26/2003, 2350

The problem with school...

Poor RunTunTun...

His pet boy is in bed too early...

8/25/2003, 2352


The official flag of the Mother's Liberation Front!


I know I heard talk of a party today around 0900...

8/25/2003, 0005

Any thoughts on that?
Monday 8/25/2003, 0001

I know...

...but I just can't resist.

Yep, one more rose on a Sunday...

8/24/2003, 1954

Any thoughts on that?
Sunday 8/24/2003, 1954

Happy Birthday, John!

Angel under a half moon...

Our strange little hobby...

8/23/2003, 2107


"Somewhat..." Heh.

Something for a friend

8/23/2003, 0048

Any thoughts on that?
Saturday 8/23/2003, 0042
