An evening out...

7/16/2004, 2343
I'm missing something...
When it's 77 outside when you turn in sometime after 0100...
...and it's 71 when you get up a few hours later (likely the overnight low).
And it's 74 when you leave for work about thirty minutes later...
...and you hear the DJ on the radio say, "...cooler today".
I'm confused...
7/16/2004, 0900Yes, it's been a while...
This... (...and a day.)

Makes this!

7/16/2004, 0020
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome- State: What state (or territory) do you live in? Have you lived in any other(s)? Where would you like to live? And as a bonus: Any idea what year your state became a state? *grin* California! I was born in Pennsylvania, and I lived in Washington State for a short time... As to where I'd like to live? I'd have to go with the Pacific Northwest; I need something just a little cooler <g>. Ummm... The late 1800's?
Twosome- Fair: Or amusement parks: Did you enjoy them as a kid? What was your favorite ride? How do you feel about them now? Ready to go wander around one again, sampling funnel cakes and corn dogs and riding rides until you're sick or would you rather just enjoy the entertainment or stay home and avoid the crowds? Yeah, I enjoyed them more as a kid than as an adult. ...but the adult coloring comes from working EMS at the local one for a few too many years: I still can't eat a corn dog after that lady who ate a few too many ... well, you don't really want to know. We usually do go wander every year or so, either just Shelley and me or maybe with the kids. The rides are out though...
Threesome- And Rodeo: Have you ever been to or watched a rodeo on TV? Did you enjoy it or consider it a barbaric spectacle? If you liked it, what was your favorite event? Ever tempted to race barrels or ride a bull yourself? Been to, again as EMS. ...but that was a bit of a problem as I was usually with Shelley and she was always rooting for the bulls! Yeah, the local cowboys only let her live because she was so darned cute! Hmmm... Barrel racing. Yeah, I like to watch that one. ...and not a prayer as to participating!
How about you? Do these questions have you over a barrel? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

7/15/2004, 2247
Coming soon to a garden near me...

7/15/2004, 0005
Any thoughts on that?

7/14/2004, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
...when I mentioned the guys were helping a buddy of mine with his sand castle?

Well, Clark did all the heavy lifting (since like 0530 or so), but he did have the guys handle some of the detail work and cleanout...

...and things worked out very nicely for everyone!

Yeah, like that...
7/13/2004, 0005Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

7/12/2004, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Works for me...
Every so often some just nails one... Sometimes it's a photo, sometimes a painting. Heck, it might even be that low rider over on Belmont Avenue, the one with the chromed wrought iron grill (yeah, I know, but he really pulled it off).
Today's Get Fuzzy cartoon by Darby Conley (© 2004) hits the target rather nicely for me...

7/11/2004, 2105
Morning blue...

7/11/2004, 1159
Any thoughts on that?
Back home...

7/10/2004, 1957
Good morning...

7/10/2004, 0129
Any thoughts on that?