Here' you go, Cassie!...

11/05/2004, 1804
A nice change...

11/05/2004, 0010
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Winnie the Pooh-- What was your favorite book series as a kid? Was there one you tried to find the complete set to read? ...or maybe just one book you remember well? Oh, man. Yeah, I remember the Hardy Boys series and the Tom Swift books. Yep, I went after both of those...
Twosome: and the-- holidays are just around the corner? Are you ready for things? ...or are you too immersed in life to even think about it? Ummm... No. I'm not ready. I'm not geared up. I'm not even interested at this point. Let me have another couple of days to get over the birthday thing and the election and the other stuff that's been happening...
Threesome: Blustery Day-- Hey, what do you like to do on a stormy day when you're not working or in school? Do you curl up with a book? Watch TV? Bake? How do you pass the time when you don't feel like going "out in it"? Hmmm... Well, generally I'll just read a book on the couch. ...and sometimes with the window open and the breeze blowing in. ...or maybe like today when I spent some time just geeking out at the computers. 'Course, when there are thunderstorms predicted I'll stay off the computers <g>...
Hey, what's going on in your world? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

11/04/2004, 2122
Let's try this again...
Hey, Steve! Happy Birthday!!!
11/04/2004, 0003
Through the leaves...

11/04/2004, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Rock garden...

11/03/2004, 0002
Any thoughts on that?

11/02/2004, 2136
Twilight rose...
(A bonus: this shot was made after the sunset shot above...)

11/02/2004, 2136

11/02/2004, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
One little tree...
...has finally figured it out.

11/01/2004, 2032
Monday's rose...

11/01/2004, 0005
Any thoughts on that?

10/31/2004, 2205
All Hallow's Eve...

10/31/2004, 1552
Any thoughts on that?
Feline eclipse...

10/30/2004, 2226
Any thoughts on that?