Evening spotlight...

04/15/2005, 0010
Any thoughts on that?
The guardian...

04/14/2005, 2207
Onesome:This--is pretty much the start of Spring (regardless of the snow in the east and midwest last week!); what's on your to-do list for the next few weeks to transition away from this long Winter we've been having? Weeds! ...and more weeds! We've had so much rain there's and entire second crop that's sprung up since we pulled and hoed and raked last month. Yeah, weeding...
Twosome: Week's-- What is this week's reading assignment for you? Is there a new book on the night stand? (Students, we're not talking the Chem 104 book either <g>!) I'm digging through Perdido Street Station, but I have to say it's a long haul...
Threesome: Feature--What feature would you like to have on your web site that you currently don't have? ...or is there something you do have that you'd like dialed in just a little bit better? Just curious... Well, I'll be changing this blog over to a more 'liquid' design that will let me post slightly larger shots. I think it's time to open it up a bit for the 1024 crowd. ...and if I do it correctly, the 800 people shouldn't have a problem.
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

04/14/2005, 2125
Yes, it's spring...

04/14/2005, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Evening shift...

04/13/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?

1 : an inscription placed at the end of a book or manuscript usually with facts relative to its production
2 : an identifying device used by a printer or a publisher
...and yes, Monday's rose is there as a desktop.

Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

04/11/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Early riser...

04/10/2005, 0015
Any thoughts on that?
Morning iris...

04/09/2005, 0003
Any thoughts on that?