
08/12/2005, 0005
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Sturgis- Have you ever been there, or anywhere else in South Dakota? Want to see where Laura Ingalls Wilder grew up in her Little Town on the Prairie? Or have you taken in Mount Rushmore or the Crazy Horse Memorial and the Black Hills? I'd love to see the Black Hills; a co-worker who did the Sturgis run last year said the view was fantastic!
Twosome: Motorcycle- Ever owned or ridden on a motorcycle? Do you aspire to ownership now? Ever wanted to hit the open rode and just go? Yep, for about ten years. ...and it was very nice to just be able to leave and end up someplace different at nightfall.
Threesome: Rally- v. to muster for a common purpose- Ever been to a large rally of any sort? A church rally, motorcycle rally or even a big family reunion? Or how about a road rally? Where did you go? Was a good time had by all? I'm still thinking, but I'm coming up blank on this one!
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

08/11/2005, 2315

08/11/2005, 0037
Any thoughts on that?

08/10/2005, 2055

08/10/2005, 0136
Any thoughts on that?
...and silver.

08/09/2005, 2359

08/09/2005, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

08/08/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?

...and at home.

Kind of a toss up, really...
08/07/2005, 2030"Little cat feet..."

08/07/2005, 0016
Any thoughts on that?
The Dog Days of Summer...

08/06/2005, 0005
Any thoughts on that?