Friday at five...

09/09/2005, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome- Reading: What's on your reading list this fall? Are you one of those people that has a stack of books waiting to be read on your nightstand? Or do you prefer to savor one read at a time? Hmmm... I'm going to finish up a series I started that's become a bit of an uphill climb. ...and then there's the current batch of SF to read. ...and a couple of medical type texts. Yep, there's a stack, although I do try to finish one book before moving on to the next.
Twosome- Writing: Do you write letters anymore? Or do you prefer the ease of e-mail? Do you keep up with your correspondence? And what's your stance on writing thank-you notes? Email. My handwriting is so bad that letter writing becomes a challenge for both me and the recipient. I do try to answer all email within a day (if you haven't heard from me it's likely the email never made it in; try again, please). Thank you notes? I do try, but man, the memory and the workload...
Threesome- Arithmatic: What school subject did you do the best in? Which was your worst subject? Which subject did you like the best? Math was good. English was difficult (referencing the previous answer on handwriting). Science was fun. Social Studies was a disaster...
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...
09/09/2005, 2359
Making a point...

09/08/2005, 0040
Any thoughts on that?
Full service...

09/07/2005, 0034
Any thoughts on that?

09/06/2005, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

09/05/2005, 2359
Any thoughts on that?

09/04/2005, 2359
Any thoughts on that?
Just ducky...

09/03/2005, 2330
Any thoughts on that?