Survival skills...
01/19/2007, 0011
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: No California-- drivers allowed! Do you drive and talk on the cell phone? Come on, fess up... Yes, I do! ...hands free though. I use a Plantronics Bluetooth earpiece. No, that's not ideal, but it's the best I've found so far...
Twosome: Oranges-- and Apples and Pears, oh my! Do you have a favorite fruit? Nope.
Threesome: this Year-- I'm going to _______ (go ahead; fill in the blank. No, it's not a resolution <g>!) I'm going to kick back a bit more and get more done around the house. No, those aren't quite as mutually contradictory as it seems: if I'm not running hither and yon I can putter about. ...and eventually all that puttering shows results!
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...
01/18/2007, 0031
Any thoughts on that?
01/17/2007, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Harvest 2007...
01/16/2007, 2239
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...
01/15/2007, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Through the store window...
01/14/2007, 1630
Any thoughts on that?
Last light...
01/14/2007, 1533
Any thoughts on that?