One of Shelley's otters...
The eastern view at the same time the "Toto" shot was taken to the west...
03/30/2007, 0005Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Yankees-- How about it? Are you a baseball fan? ...or would you rather watch the grass grow? I'll watch the playoffs depending on the teams, and I'm a pretty strong follower of the Series; but for the most part I'm outside during the season and not watching the tube...
Twosome: Opening-- Day? Opening Season? Mervyn's "Open, open, open" commercials? What opening do you wait for? Football!
Threesome: Day-- by day we learn something: playing hardball, what have you learned this week? (Okay, discoveries count...) Hmmm... I've made some progress with some personal productivity software. I'll post about it on Daynotes when I'm a little further along...
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...
03/29/2007, 2300
The other side of the sky...
The eastern view at the same time the "Toto" shot was taken to the west...
03/29/2007, 2215Any thoughts on that?
Thinking of Toto...
03/28/2007, 0004
Any thoughts on that?
A garden moment...
03/27/2007, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...
03/26/2007, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
It's a rough life here...
03/25/2007, 2220
Any thoughts on that?
Study in blue...
03/24/2007, 1730
Any thoughts on that?