A family from down the street...

04/27/2007, 0002
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: The-- marketing of goods and services. ...and the things they do to try to get us to buy their products! Are there any advertisments or commercials that really stand out to you right now? Hmmm.... Capital One has another series of TV ads that are pretty interesting.
Twosome: Cola-- cola, cola: which cola do you drink? ...or do you? ...or the UnCola? (Do you remember that ad campaign?) Currently (it varies), Diet Pepsi Lime...
Threesome: Wars?-- Are there any good advertising wars going on in your area? Burgers, newspapers, ISPs? The burger place are going after each other with breakfasts. Heck, even Starbucks is in on that fight...
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...

The abduction ...

04/26/2007, 0004
Any thoughts on that?
Petals and clouds and ...

04/25/2007, 0005
Any thoughts on that?
The power of the sun...

Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

04/23/2007, 0005
Any thoughts on that?
Evening poppy...

04/22/2007, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
It could be an interesting weekend here...

04/21/2007, 1153
Any thoughts on that?