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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2323 7/27/2003)

Thanks to everyone who sent congrats to Shelley last week about her birthday and to both of us about our anniversary! You thoughts are very much appreciated. Shelley hopefully will be getting to her email in the next day or two; please be patient...

...and if that sounds like we had a busy week and a busy weekend, you are so correct. I'm hoping to finally get caught up at work this week so I can start catching up at home. Last week I end up mostly done with thinking by the time I got home. Let's hope this week goes a bit smoother...

We'll find out, -eh?


Okay, I'm done with waiting for the heat to break! As soon as it drops under 100F, I'm heading out...

Yeah, yeah, there's a recumbent bike in the back, but it does nothing for my endorphin levels. ...and man, working up a sweat inside the house just doesn't cut it (don't you dare!). to pre-load the fluids!


I'm not going to just blog about the heat. Nope, I'll mention the cooler weather they say is coming in a week or two. They say we may even get down to 100 again. ...and have nights under 70.

They're balmy...


Like a broken record... Heh. But they're saying that the overnight low might drop below 80 this morning!

Hmmm... I just checked: 0122 and it hasn't happened yet...


I've decided I need a geek weekend. Period. Yeah, I'll go blade and I'll work in the garden (that one drip line has to be replaced), but it's time to scratch an itch. I really haven't had time just chill at the kitchen table and play TinkerToys with parts since Spring. ...and it's time.

From what I can tell of the schedule, we have nothing planned this weekend. ...and I've been told the table is mine (the garage bench is only maybe ten degrees below ambient. ...and this ambient lately just drains me if I'm out in it too long).

So. An agenda... Brad's computer for sure. Maybe my work one, but Brad has priority. ...and web work in between; I'm behind on several little update kinda' things.

Oh. Ya' know, I think I'm going to set up one of the boys as a graphics designer. They're always wanting to borrow my archived CD copies; I think it's only fair I get some labels back out of the deal!

Wish me luck <g>!


...didn't happen.


Okay, at least Brad's computer is officially started! Now to continue with the process...


The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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