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The Time Sink

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Most Recent (Last update: 2359 8/3/2003)

Hmm.. I really, really wish I'd have kept notes on why I took down the base computer Brad is inheriting. I thought it was a power supply issue, but now I'm wondering why I had a new motherboard and CPU sitting in that stack. ...and a hard drive.

I think I'll have to go back in time here on the TimeSink and see if I documented any of it. I recall a case swap here for Mainspring, but I don't recall why...

Ah, well, it's all TinkerToys to me...


Under the weather...




I stayed home today. ...easy decision: yesterday's Costco run pretty much took care of any thoughts I had about being able to deal with anything but sitting on the couch and reading.

I'll go in tomorrow. I just won't eat anything <g>...


Yeah, some slow down time. Finally. I did make it through the work day and I am glad I went in; but only for the stuff I took care of so I won't see it on Monday <g>...

Better, thanks...


Better day: real food <g>! This house is now a chicken free for the next several days while Shelley and the boys are at the coast...

Real Food...


Well, the weather pattern of the last three weeks has finally broken: we've been under 100 for two days now. Yeah!

...and the mini-vacation continues!

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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