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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2309 5/9/2004)

Saturday's list is going to end up carrying over into the week... The "project style" book report ended up being a bit more than we'd anticipated, and Saturday evening and Sunday had to be restructured to accomodate getting it finished.

The problem came from the requirements for illustrations for the various sections of the 'report'... Fortunately, there were at least two editions of the book printed; that gave me something to work with. I prepped some draft graphics Saturday night and Brad and I stayed home Sunday morning and worked on things pretty much non-stop until 1400 or so. I think it turned out okay...

Yep, "projects"?


I think we'll have to declare Summer to be here... Yesterday's blading was happening at 99.9F at 1730 and even I ended up in the pool after that...

Yep, it's time to reset the mental gears for hot weather when they're saying it will cool down to 95F. Heck, the pool is at 76 and that's with nowhere near a half day of sunshine on it. ...and anything better than 'ocean temps' (68F on the Pacific side) is okay with the boys (and me). Yep, I'll have to start reminding Shelley that it's time for cold sandwiches in the evening rather then oven-cooked foods. ...and I'll have to remember to get my store runs done early in the day rather than in the afternoons.

...and back East it's still all sorts of cold!


Cool down? What cool down? Tuesday morning the forecast was for 70 by Saturday (excuse me?) and temps in the low nineties for Tuesday. Okay... When I checked the forecast around noon, they were saying maybe the mid-seventies by Monday and it would still be cooler by game time Tuesday...

Reality was 100.6 at game time Tuesday and 96 today at blade time. The only good news on that was that the winds were reversed and the run home was the easy half. ...but man, I just don't know what is going on with the weather this week!

...time to just wait and see, I guess!


Thursday? I missed a day? Tomorrow's Friday? ...and a game day? I'm so confused...

There's much happening here in the land of the TimeSink, but most of it is background stuff related to moving an entire site from one server to another so I can have some growing room. ...and prepping another place and dialing in a third.

So if you don't hear much over here...


Sometimes it just works out okay... It's been a longish week both at work and home. ...and Brad's game was tonight instead of tomorrow (pictures and practice instead) and I had to swing home from work to change and barely made game time. ...and dinner ended up being some pretzels (and kinda' old ones at that).

...but as we're packing up after the game to head on home and do laundry (pictures, remember?) and maybe make a sandwich, someone came up with the idea of hitting the local pizza place. Yeah, adult company, pizza and beer...

Yeah, like that...


Good morning and Happy Early Mother's Day (in case I don't make it here until late tomorrow). Today looks to be one of those over-programmed days around here: Brad has pictures for baseball and then practice afterward and then it looks like we'll be doing the endless "mother's day present dropoff" ...

...and somewhere in the between the gaps (what gaps?) I need to somehow get the boys out to stores so they can pick out cards and such for Shelley. They've reached the age where Dad picking up cards for them is not cool at all. ...and they even want to pick out presents. That works okay, but with our week it just hasn't happened...

I think I need a hole in the space-time continuum...


Hmm.... Don't tell me you can't learn anything in school!

Happy Mother's Day!

The Conjuror
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indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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