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Most Recent (Last update: 2305 7/10/2005)

July 4th in Cayucos, California... There's a parade to make any small town proud (and even rival the Doo Dah parade with some of the entries!), a sand castle contests, various games for the kids to play, more food than you can work through in three days, and fireworks off the pier later this evening.

I'll be Gödel, Escher, "    "...


Last night's fireworks show was fun, although the crowd was down to about three-quarters of the usual attendees. We started the morning off by sleeping in, but once we were all up (okay, once they thought I could go out in public <g>) we headed down to the sand castles. Yep, I'll have pics later on some of those. ...and some from the parade later that worked its way through town later in the morning.

...and yes, I will have another fireworks shot or two, as well as a beach scene. ...or maybe the guy getting the ticket (and having his vehicle towed!) because he parked overnight right in front of the sign that said "No Parking" on the State Beach lot.

But first, maybe some more sleep, -eh?


Just to give a little perspective to those who are wondering what I mean about being "just a little bit East of the Pacific Ocean":

Yep, that's the water right there across the parking lot...
Click the pic for the 800 wide version...

...and for the photogs in the crowd who have wondered what the A-2 could do?

Yeah, through a double-paned window and a glass balcony barrier...

Later! There are waves to catch...


This morning, after a bit of a sleep in, I took a walk in the beach and took some photos. ...and then we went into Morro Bay and I took walk while the gang ate, and I took some photos. The tally from those two walks came in at 282 shots, taking up just over a gig in storage space.

Yeah, like that...


Another day walking on the beach in the morning and later over at Moro Rock. ...but under 200 pictures today <g>!

...and I do have another gull shot to put up from today's work, but I think I'll have to hold that one off for a day or two to prevent the 'whiteout' effect. Oh, and there's a butterfly. ...and ground squirrels. ...and oh, look! A chicken!



A late day here, filled with brief walks and naps and marking time. It was really too cold to go down to the beach, but we didn't feel much like cleaning up and going home...

That'll be Sunday's project...


We're home. We're safe. ...and man is it warm compared to the coast <g>!

More tomorrow...

The Conjuror
Click image for larger version

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