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Most Recent (Last update: 0932 12/18/2005)

Memo to self: When taking photos at the local botanical garden, first take the shot of the pretty plant, then take a shot of the label that says what the pretty plant is!



After several days with only one real meal (I've been living on candy canes, water, and root beer as those are the only things that keep my throat cooled off at all), I cracked and gave in to a bowl of chili tonight...

With everything!

No, that's not (all) spilled cheese; some of it is to mix in as I work my way through the first layer. Yeah, yeah, but it tasted darned good!

Back to mints and such tomorrow...


General notes:

Stress relief: discovering a total miscommunication as to when a test retake is due and realizing the study sessions could (and should) be handled over Christmas vacation.
Shooting Precious Moments figurines in the fading sunlight of the Christmas season is still a royal pain no matter what camera I use!
You can develop a tolerance to candy canes as a therapeutic agent. Wintergreen Lifesavers can substitute until the peppermint in your blood drops below LD50 levels.

(Yes, that was tongue in cheek.) (Why candy canes? Because I cannot stand cough drops!
Yes, slightly better; thanks for asking...


Ah, well... Two steps forward and one step back...


Better. Not much sleep but better. The cold part seems mostly gone; now it's just the throat and the lungs and the stamina to work with. I'm sure sleep will help...

I think I'll try that...


Just a day off (finally). ...and we slept in a bit and then took off to do our annual food/present deliveries for the church project. ...and then ended up out and about and having lunch at The Cheesecake Factory (new in town); that was one nice lunch.

The rains started in the late evening and tha seemed to be a great time to travel around a bit looking at Christmas lights (and taking the occasional photo for Brad and me!). You'll see some of that over on the blog later...

A much needed slow day...


...and much more needed than we realized: Shelley and I both ended up sick late last night. We must have picked up something along the way the last few days (or those jalapeños had way more kick than we're used too...).

It's looking like a "football day"...

The Conjuror
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indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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