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The Time Sink

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday
Most Recent (Last update: 2200 6/03/2006)

Memorial Day... A time of remembrance. Please take a moment of your time today to remember those who served...

I learned something interesting Saturday while photographing a cemetery in Modesto, California for today's splash page: the large flags lining the periphery of the cemetery were 'casket flags' loaned to the cemetery by the local VA. The gentleman passing out smaller flags for individual grave markers for use in the adjoining cemeteries pointed out the differing 'star patterns' in the larger flags: some had fifty stars, but some had forty-eight...

Have a good day...


The weekend did quiet down a bit for us finally. I grilled some steaks I'd cut from a rib eye roast on Sunday, but for some reason they didn't measure up to "store bought". instead of going down that road any more I smoked the entire roast for six hours or so and cut it up for dinner on Monday. That worked out a little better.

...and it's back to work.


Man, somedays just that extra day off is enough to really mess with your routine! Yesterday at work was just all sorts of hectic. ...and the household routine is a bit off kilter too. I'm just glad the boys only have this week and next before school ends.

I'm sure they're happy too!


No post...


...and the reason for the "No post" yesterday was that Brad and I were up at the Sierra Outdoor School Wednesday, Thursday and today. We're back, a little worse for wear (exhausted from nature hikes), a little low on fluids, but definitely better for the experience. Yes, photos also, from both of us...

First a little sleep in our own beds...


I'd have to call today a 'recovery day'... After Brad and I got back Friday evening we all went out to dinner, partly in celebration, but partly to have something other than cafeteria food (which is not a knock on the cafeteria up there at all; there was good food and plenty of it; I just wanted a burger <g>!). Sleeping in worked a bit, but Brad and I were both so knotted up in our legs that we went blading this morning to stretch the muscles out...

...and that was okay, but then it was nap time for me (Brad went to the driving range with a friend). I slept much of the afternoon and still woke up tired and stiff. I'm thinking it's a good thing this was my last one of these trips. I mean, that cavern we visited Friday was a sixteen-story stair climb down and another one back up (yes in the snow, against the wind, yada, yada <g>)

Yep, early to bed tonight!


Mostly reading and trying not to overdo it as my body readjusts to the heat and altitude and my mind tries to help out on the last week of school...

...and the finals that start tomorrow!

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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