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Most Recent (Last update: 0230 12/25/2006)


Well, Shelley hasn't been online since the middle of last week (evidently my mom hasn't either), so my sister is first in with the addendums to Friday's post (darn you CNL!)...

Among the more printable ones (some were just a euphemism for "I agree"), and that I'm willing to post <g>):

  1. Humbee and Bumbee??? (Yep, two invisible friends. I don't recall them, but I've heard stories from my mom.)
  2. You sealed yourself in your room most of your primary years so much that your little sister still has trouble recognizing you (Guilty as charged. See #1 from Friday).
  3. You hid dirty magazines between your mattress & box spring for years which provided very corrupt but good reading for your sneaky sisters & to this day think you got away with it. (Damn...)
  4. You have a perpetual candy stash that will never go away...NEVER. One will be in your coffin. (Likely...)
  5. You used to de-wing poor little bees and bury them in corn husks behind the garage at the old house and had a bee graveyard. (Hmmm... Kinda' remember that. Also kinda' disturbing, no? Probably too many "Boot Hill" cowboy movies?)

You'll know when Shelley and Mom get on line I'm sure...


Okay, I'll archive the blog this evening; it is getting a little lengthy. My apologies to the dial-up crowd... The week continues apace; homework appears to be de rigeure for both the boys; I'm just hoping the process doesn't continue into the next two weeks; we all need a break.

...and I need one to get into this entire Christmas thing; I'm doing okay, but I can't seem to get on track and running at speed. Oh, yeah, the job and the homework.

Ah, well. Ho, ho, ho...


The distaff side weighs in on the Oddities from the CNL!) referencing my original six...

  1. 1-False advertising-we dated for seven years and were in an ambulance for the majority of it-I saw you comfortably talk to everyone from little old ladies to wife beaters! You held many long conversations with me (although there was no computer in the ambulance and you were being paid to stay put!)
  2. 2-YOU DISLIKE CLUTTER??? Why is the majority of my time/energy spent dealing with it then???
  3. 3-You used to eat anything I made and with a smile!
After reading your sister's remarks, I should have become friends with her "before" our marriage so I would truly know what to expect. As for the candy-you should have put that in your six-that or ice cream. I don't even want to know about the magazines.

Yes, yes, time has a way of catching up with us <g>...


Well, I think I'm getting a pass from Mom on the 'Oddities', but we'll just have her hold her thoughts until my next birthday. How's that sound?

...but man, did I mess one of the T-3 answers last week up big time:

To whom it may concern: An unnamed someone has not seen a holly tree locally. Well, if the aforementioned would look in that someone's mother's backyard–LO and BEHOLD!!!! A 40 year old, beautiful holly tree whose limbs are replete with red berries—it's right in front of the shop, snoozie.
It was simply signed, "Elf"...


School's out as of this afternoon. Work is over (other than the 'coverage' part) for at least three days (vacation, if any, "to be determined"; I need time to think about the permutations). We're not going out of town this year. Detox time is available before Christmas (yeah!). Oh, and before Christmas Eve at my sister's with my Mom and Tiffany and the cats and whatever else happens there...

In lieu of a post, I think I'll link the techno-fable, Three Nights Before Christmas from 2001. It's a bit long of tooth, but hey...

Living for the weekend...


Bliss. A day off... One before a holiday. ...or before its Eve. Down time.

Sure, things to do, but not Things To Do. Yeah, I'll take it...

...back later, over on the blog perhaps.


Bigger? Well sure, I'll just make a splash page from it! That was my thought about the Christmas Eve photo when someone asked for a larger version of it. I think it worked out okay.

...and nope, no flash; that was just decent white balance selection (tungsten: the blue in the background is from the 'daylight' fluorescent lamps in that room).

Happy Christmas Eve, everyone!

The Conjuror
Click image for larger version

"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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