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Most Recent (Last update: 2359 02/18/2007)


Photo notes... The rose garden rollever is just up as an example of how even an extreme case of neglect (three years or more) can still be salvaged with a little planning. ...kinda' like 'removing everything that isn't David' if you know that quote: I just remove everything that isn't going to be 2007's bush. That works well for hybrid teas, we'll know later if I remembered how to do florabundas...

...and the gold and blueness? That's a shot out the patio exit of the restaurant from the other evening. Night has fallen, the wind is blowing, the rain is falling, and twenty seconds of exposure still gave me a little something to work with.

Closing the book on Monday...


Oh, yeah, Valentine's Day...

Back tomorrow...


...just geeking out a bit. A lucky hit over at the Digital Outback Photo Forums let me know that LightZone was available for Linux. a freebie (as in beer!). Well that was good for a hour or so of pure TimeSink!

I've tested LightZone before on the XP box and gave it three thumbs down: while it looked to be worth the time to play Sisyphus with the learning curve, the time the darned thing took to save images (an acknowledged problem) was a show stopper to me. Still, I like to play; and when I saw this linkage I dropped it here on the 64 bit AMD boxen. ...and in this environment it is plenty fast, possibly because the JRE is included in the program).

...and there's still that learning curve. ...and why I don't have the navigation toolbar showing. ....and exactly how to use it. ...but it integrates well enough with the Gimp and it uses DCRAW; that's good enough to put me to work with it to see what I can manage: I'd love to take this smaller box on vacations.

Translations available upon request <g>...


More geekery this evening: I emailed the author of LightZone as to the 'why' of not being able to see the navigation panel and received a very quick answer back. I gave that a try (the panel had a 'zero width' and needed to be expanded, likely something to do with the 64 bit box as the program came up fine on the Fedora Core 5 boxen), and it works! Yeah, a new tool in this photographer's box(en). ...and one heck of a concept to wrap my brain around. ...but somehow I think if it was good enough for Ansel Adams, it probably should be good enough for me.

Time to dig out those Yosemite shots, -eh?


No post...


Come on, it was 72F outside today...

No way was I near a computer...


...and the sunshine gave way to rain today. Ah, well, maybe tomorrow. Still, Saturday was pretty productive: I finished up the roses across the street (of sixteen or so I think only one had reverted to purely root stock; two may be in trouble, but the rest seem to be in good shape to recover), got some blading time in, trimmed up some at our place, and did some planning with Daniel about where we may want to take the front yard.

The again, all that pretty much did me in, so I was next to useless today <g>.

...but Monday is a day off!

The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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