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Sometimes it's luck and sometimes it's the timezone. ...and sometimes you add in the late night aspect and you get a bonus: LightRoom 1.0 is out. No, no, no, never use/buy/download the x.0 version of anything. ...unless maybe you've been a Beta tester. ...or unless you just can't stand the wait. ...or maybe the keyboard is starting to short out from the drooling. Short version: go for it!

So you bought LightRoom on the pre-purchase system three seconds after you received the notice it was going gold. ...or you waited a week. ...or you're waiting for it to come out. ...or you're not sure. The short and sweet for everyone: the trial version is available (or was last night), is downloadable and appears to be the full kit with the option to register it when/if you have a serial number. Easy enough...

...also as easy is the install (Windows): uninstall the beta if you have it up and running, but uninstall it through the 'add-remove programs' applet instead of nuking folders. Then install the trial and let it rip. In my case it upgraded my existing database and brought me into the same library and photo I was working on when I shut down the beta.

Time to go play!


Ah, the "Varmint Tales" continue around this place... Late this afternoon I received a call from Daniel letting me know that while he was raiding the garage pantry for food stuffs, "...I heard some noise behind your shelves and the wires were moving.". Okay, that's good enough to make sure I get home ahead of Shelley and Brad (pioneer woman and mighty hunter that pair are not).

Once I got home we divvied up duties (I'd be the beater and he'd be the spotter), and all I was hoping for was a spare cat or a rat and not another opossum (the last one I messed with was twenty years back and had six inch fangs and the attitude to go with them). After one attempt to flush the beastie, Daniel tried a look from a long vantage point behind the water heater. His report was succinct, "I think I maybe see an eye, or perhaps that's a screw head. Nope! Screwheads don't blink!"

Sure enough, adding some candlepower to his viewing angle revealed a large grey cat, one that was casually sauntering out from behind the shelves and tech bench. All well and good, but he decided to take a break and just hangout in the middle of the one work area. "Ummm... No, nice kitty, you have to leave." I ended up prodding him with a 'webster' on a pole to get him to leave the garage.

I guess we'll have to bang a drum before we bring the door down for the night...


Okay, the story on 'the cat circling the drain since 1999'...

...only it'll have to be tomorrow.


...or the maybe this weekend. It's been a full couple of days here.

...and evenings! Sheesh...


Blog fodder for the photographic crowd: today's sky shot was processed in both LightZone and LightRoom. I mentioned LightRoom's introduction of their formal version on Monday and I was pleased with how they handled their free beta. Now let's give Lightzone a shot: they've opened up their next version as a free beta until March first. When I opened the beta up on the XP box it told me I had forty days of use; that's good enough to play with (especially since I've blown up the LightZone install on the one Linux box, likely a 64 bit issue).

...and while I admit I don't 'get' the zone system as yet (more reading and much understanding to do), I do enjoy playing in various sandboxes. ...and LightZone appears to have some darned decent tools to add into the mix.

I'll keep you posted...


Oh, who me? I took the day off. Actually, we all did around here...

...except Brad and I went to the Philharmonic tonight.


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The Conjuror
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"Any sufficiently advanced technology is
indistinguishable from magic."
Arthur C. Clarke, "Technology and the Future"

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