Morning reverie...

09/30/2005, 0053
Any thoughts on that?
Onesome: Little-- by little we work our way through the week. Do you have anything fun coming up this weekend or in the next week? ...or maybe you're ready for a little relaxation? Oh, I'm soooo ready to be "not doing" anything! That's not to say there aren't projects to be done, but I'd like to be able to pick and chose a bit. ...and fun? Well, the local Fair opens next week and I still don't know the status on three of my submissions...
Twosome: Lost-- Do you get lost easily? ...or are you one of those people who always seems to know where they are? I'm pretty well locked into where I am. Trips are fun; strange cities don't freak me out if I miss a turn off and hikes in the woods work out well enough.
Threesome: Sheep-- ...and goats and rabbits and, and, and: What is the favorite critter you look forward to seeing at the petting zoo (if you're a fair goer)? ...and if not, well, which one would just as soon not run across on a walk around the block? I mean, if you were the type who walked around the block and the farm animals escaped from Farmer John's truck on his way to the Fair... Oh. Well... Okay, I'm not all that fond of farm animals; I don't make pets of creatures below me on the food chain. Maybe the reptile exhibit?
How about you? Let us know, over on The Back Porch...
09/29/2005, 2330
Bright, shiny objects...

09/29/2005, 0003
Any thoughts on that?
Clouds at sunset...
To the East...

...and to the West.

09/28/2005, 0114
Any thoughts on that?

09/27/2005, 0127
Any thoughts on that?
Monday's rose...

09/26/2005, 0004
Any thoughts on that?
Sunday afternoon in Durango...
(Through the windows)

09/25/2005, 0005
Any thoughts on that?
Evening at the game...

09/24/2005, 0138
Morning in the orchard...

09/24/2005, 0125
Any thoughts on that?